Guppy Has A Puffy Eye?


May 16, 2012
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What's wrong with her eye? as you can see, it's a bit puffy.

Looks like either an injury or popeye. Either way, good clean water will help. I had an angelfish with popeye. I did a 30% water change every day for a week and it cleared up. I don't like using medications unless I have no choice, so I would start with water changes. If that doesn't work, maracyn-2 worked well for me.
I would be treatment in but she died the day after. :/
Hello! Any advice for me...a male guppy I brought home on Friday afternoon looked just like the above pic of the female guppy this morning when I got up (only the right eye is swollen). I did an immediate 50% water change and started day 1 of a 5 day treatment with Maracyn. Do I just now watch and wait? And do I change the water each day or just add the meds to the tank? (there is one other guppy in the tank with the ill one at this time...I didn't want to stress them out even more by trying to remove one of them from the tank)
Just keep puting the medication in the tank cos if u keep doing a 50% water change u take out more of the med than put in. instead do a 30%.
40L Tank
1 male Sword tale platy
2 female platy
7 mixed tetras

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