I noticed today that my red minor tetras were chasing my guppie around the tank but he swam away fine. Then I left the house for a couple hours when I got home my guppie was tangled hiding in the fake plants because he could not swim. His tail was nipped up and split in one spot. I placed him in the hatcher box I have to help him and he seemed fine for not much more than 20 minutes then he started going upside down and staying that way for sometime like he just wasn't strong enough to swim upright. Now and then he's upright eating a little but mostly he stays upside down. I'm not sure what else I can do.
My tank has 2mollies, 3tetras, 1 sucker fish and 1 guppie. I had 2 guppies but one was too small and I found him dead yesterday. I'm thinking the tetras got too him too
My tank has 2mollies, 3tetras, 1 sucker fish and 1 guppie. I had 2 guppies but one was too small and I found him dead yesterday. I'm thinking the tetras got too him too