Guppies And Platy


Mostly New Member
Jan 1, 2014
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i have a platy and 2 guppies that are pregant, in the trap i have i platy she's fine but the guppy looked ready to pop 2 days ago, she has stopped eatting for 24 hours now but no frys and her gravid spot has lightend and started going a brownish red, has she aborted?
She may or may not have. I don't use the gravid spot when checking a females pregnancy.  Some fish never develop a "darker spot" while others always have a dark spot.  Just continue to watch her, I can't help with more than that.  Sometimes if a female aborts she just reabsorbs the fry, or she will drop the fry.  Those have both happened to me.
My pineapple platy is see-through in that area so I can't actually see the babies eyes clearly so I use the gravid spot to tell when she's pregnant but in most cases it's an unreliable way to tell for any type of livebearers. The best way to tell if she's aborted is her size. Has she gotten small in the tummy area or gone back to her non pregnant size?

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