I've had 6 guppies (2 males, 5 females) in a 10 gallon tank for around two weeks now and along with an extra guppy I received two Sailfin Dalmatian mollies (a male and female). I didn't realize at that time that many people have had issues with keeping the two together and although I'm planning on upgrading to a larger tank soon, the 10 gallon is all I have to work with for now. I have to two mollies in a 2-3 gallon overnight until I can figure out if I should put them in with the guppies. I did try putting them in and the guppies hid around the plants while the mollies swam in one place, not really moving around the tank much, so I put them back in the small fish bowl. Until I get a larger tank either for the guppies or for the guppies and mollies, I do have a 40 gallon where my african side-neck turtle is. She tends to stay more on the bathing rocks and the water is at a set temperature of 78 f. There is a filter and a heater. The only problem is, my turtle does eat fish, but only small feeder minnows. The mollies are about twice or even three times as large which for many turtles are too large to be eaten. What do you guys suggest that I do in the meantime?