Guide For Breeding Neon Tetras?


Feb 7, 2016
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I just ordered some Imperial Tropical's strain of neon tetras. About 12 of them, it was buy one get one free so I will end up with 24. I have a fully cycled 10 gallon tank with a sponge filter, lots of good bio bacteria. It has a sand substrate, nothing else in the tank, and it has rain water. pH is about 7.2-7.4. I can lower it if I need to with a couple more low pH water changes though.
I want to breed the neon tetras I get. Anyone got any guides or steps? This fish is such a common fish, and most of the guides are by little teenie bopper fish noobs and they only really get a couple eggs per spawn. I have lots of indian almond leaves, I know leaf litter is good but I will wait until they come in before I do some leaf litter.
Any tips? Guides? If noone else makes a guide I guess I will.
Ludvig Venter wrote a guide for spawning egg scatterers and the method will be the same for neon tetras. You'll notice he recommends using three 20 gallon tanks, not one 10 gall. And with a sand substrate you'll have no eggs left within minutes of them being laid. Ludvig suggests marbles on the tank bottom so the eggs can fall through to where the fish can't reach them. And I think another problem with neons is the eggs need to be kept dark.
essjay said:
Ludvig Venter wrote a guide for spawning egg scatterers and the method will be the same for neon tetras. You'll notice he recommends using three 20 gallon tanks, not one 10 gall. And with a sand substrate you'll have no eggs left within minutes of them being laid. Ludvig suggests marbles on the tank bottom so the eggs can fall through to where the fish can't reach them. And I think another problem with neons is the eggs need to be kept dark.
I already have a dim area. No lights whatsoever. I have a 20 gallon lying around. I'll try it with the 10 gallon. And are sure neon tetras are scatterers? I thought they laid.
I do have spawning mops as well as some river stones which are kinda like marbles. I think I will use the spawning mops.
The profile of neon tetras on Seriously Fish has a section on breeding them. It says you can use mops or fine leaved plants, but also a mesh on the base of the tank for the eggs to fall through, and marbles can be used instead of mesh. I would be worried about the fish eating the eggs in a mop/plants but if you remove the adults as soon as they have spawned, enough eggs should make it.
Seriously Fish also says the tank should be kept in darkness, not in dim light.
There isn't even a light in there. I will just keep it completely dark then.

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