Guess The Fish Game

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The Hairy Potter
Mar 21, 2005
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I saw a picture with three fish in it just now and it made me think of an interesting game. I'll post a picture of a fish or a picture with more than one fish in it. and you guess what the fishes common name or scientific name is. If you guess correctly then you post a picture and others try to guess what fish are in it. Don't cheat by looking at member profiles ok. try to use a reasonably clear picture please. We'll see how this works. It may need a bit of tweeking. Feel free to suggest rules.

Instead of winners posting in the same thread they will now copy these rules into a new thread when they start the next round.

Rule 1. You may guess as many times as you like but you must wait for another member to guess before you make your next guess. If 30 minutes passes and noone else has guessed then you may make one guess every 15 minutes.

Rule 2. In the interest of preventing two people guessing the same things, incorrect guesses will be posted below the picture. Once the correct answer is given the person who posted the picture should make a new post stating that the answer has been given and it's the winning members turn to post a picture.

Rule 3. If 24 hours goes by and the winner of the last competition hasn't posted a picture then anyone can post a picture. The first picture posted 24 hours after the last post will be the one we use. If you win and do not want to post a picture say so and the first picture posted by any member will then be used. If the winner of the last competition does not post a picture then whoever posts the first picture in this thread will be the one to start the new thread.

Rule 4. You may use any resource except for member profiles member posts and the name of the picture used. I urge winners to change the name of the picture they use as well as temporarily remove the fish from there profile to help prevent cheating. Please don't cheat. You'll ruin it for yourself and everyone else if you do.

Rule 5. After five guesses the person who posted the picture may begin to post hints. 1 hint at a time and three guesses inbetween hints. hints can be whatever the member who posted the pics wants to give.

Rule 6. The winner will copy these rules into a new thread and post there picture into the new thread. It gets too confusing when there are 74 pages in a single thread. add a number to the name of the thread please.




I am not a swordtail

I am not a molly

I AM A MOSQUITO FISH congrats fishkiller no more
If you guess the wrong fish I'll put the name of your guess below the pictures in my original post.
yes it is a mosquito fish very good I thought it would take longer. Your turn fish killer no more =)
Arghh..but I don't have fish photos of my own! :lol:

Here's one taken from the net:

What's this???

haha JK!

What's this fish? :)

I'm not a red minor tetra aka serpae tetra
It's a boraras maculata (pygmy rasbora). Congratulations LLJDMA006!! (I should have known you'll find this post sooner or later :lol: )
LLJDMA006 wins!!! Your turn! :)

Alright this is going to go quickly cause everybody knows what fish I keep, but I'll give it a go. The problem with being specialized. Sorry for the quality of the picture, but if you know your stuff, it's certainly enough to identify with.


Some pretty funny guesses.

We are not a zebra danio, killifish, sparkling gouramis, croaking gouramis, or "I don't know about the two in the center" are fish.

We are wild bettas, we are betta imbellis. Great job Annastasia, it's your turn, if you'd like to play.
the one in the top right is a rasbora. don't know about the two in the center
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