Growing Guppies


Mar 1, 2023
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Some guppies I raised from fry. A total of six of them. They were birthed from a new purchase @ LFS. Parent(s) in my main tank atm.


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Is that Anacharis in there ? I have a really hard time with it . It dies on me in a week .
Yes, it is acutally. I had it in my pond I think. Or maybe in one of my other aquaruims. There may be some in the pond still but hard to see in there (bunch of hornwort and floaters).

It grows well in this tank, not too fast. I don't dose this tank with anything for the plants (except I've been putting in CO2 booster to try and get the string algae under control, along with a bunch of frogbit floaters). But all plants grow fine without the CO2 booster. I have to cull the frogbit back every week about now. This is a 5 gallon Tetra Crescent and the nitrates always read zero. There's usually only very small fish like fry in the tank so the bioload isn't too much, just right imo.
Yes, it is acutally. I had it in my pond I think. Or maybe in one of my other aquaruims. There may be some in the pond still but hard to see in there (bunch of hornwort and floaters).

It grows well in this tank, not too fast. I don't dose this tank with anything for the plants (except I've been putting in CO2 booster to try and get the string algae under control, along with a bunch of frogbit floaters). But all plants grow fine without the CO2 booster. I have to cull the frogbit back every week about now. This is a 5 gallon Tetra Crescent and the nitrates always read zero. There's usually only very small fish like fry in the tank so the bioload isn't too much, just right imo.
Thanks . That actually told me a lot and I think I will give Anacharis another try . I like the looks of it . It reminds me of kelp that you see in nature documentaries .

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