Hello Everyone,
I am rather new to the hobby (Set up first tank April 19th), but am having a lot of fun with it.
By way of introduction, I am a Computer Scientist(Masters)/Physicist(Undergrad) with a desire to dabble in just about any and all of the sciences. My wife's degrees are both in biology with a focus on entomology.
I am currently running 2 display tanks (my 20 gallon community and a 5 gallon hex) as well as a 5 gallon quarantine/plant storage tank.
All of the tanks feature live plants (though nothing terribly exciting).
The 20 gallon currently has:
Neon Tetra - 7
Peppered Cory - 4
Ghost Shrimp - approx. 4
The 5 gallon hex has:
Betta (male) - 1
Ghost Shrimp - approx. 3
The quarantine tank has:
Otos - 3
A side-hanging breeder box with 2 Neon Tetra fry (These are kind of a surprise/interesting story),
and as I just discovered tonight, a bunch of little Copepods. I've been trying to get a picture of those through my wife's Dissecting Scope, but the little guy just won't hold still.
Looking forward to getting to know the community here,
I am rather new to the hobby (Set up first tank April 19th), but am having a lot of fun with it.
By way of introduction, I am a Computer Scientist(Masters)/Physicist(Undergrad) with a desire to dabble in just about any and all of the sciences. My wife's degrees are both in biology with a focus on entomology.
I am currently running 2 display tanks (my 20 gallon community and a 5 gallon hex) as well as a 5 gallon quarantine/plant storage tank.
All of the tanks feature live plants (though nothing terribly exciting).
The 20 gallon currently has:
Neon Tetra - 7
Peppered Cory - 4
Ghost Shrimp - approx. 4
The 5 gallon hex has:
Betta (male) - 1
Ghost Shrimp - approx. 3
The quarantine tank has:
Otos - 3
A side-hanging breeder box with 2 Neon Tetra fry (These are kind of a surprise/interesting story),
and as I just discovered tonight, a bunch of little Copepods. I've been trying to get a picture of those through my wife's Dissecting Scope, but the little guy just won't hold still.
Looking forward to getting to know the community here,