Green terror opinions


Fish Herder
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jul 2, 2020
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Iv said it before and il say it again I want a green terror so I’m buying one ,
Plan is to move my Colombian tetra and corys off and in time my keyholes then possibly my electric blue acara depending on the outcome
Leaving a 500l stocked with two green Severum a green terror
5 silver dollars and a green phantom pleco.. any thoughts ? Iv guesstimated a 60-70% success chance knowing that a green terror could just be a complete bum hole and do what it wants anyways but the selected tank mates are already mature if not almost there , the green terror being juvenile will be bottom of the hierarchy for a fair while and possibly grow up without moving up the hierarchy, leaving a much more peaceful tank boss in a Severum , I know people will read this and think why bother trying the advantages to weight up to the potential disadvantage but I’m sometimes I think a change in thinks can reignite the passion we have for the hobby , maybe subconsciously I’m craving change, a little excitement back into my tank , it was fun and a challenge to set up a community tank that worked with fish that could easily eat others and fish that could fight for territory, it’s taught me a lot about tank layouts and timing of introductions to the tank but it’s time for a change
Didn’t expect to be saying this so soon but , the green terror is added to the tank and from my point of view it’s been a success, didn’t expect to source this fish so fast at a reasonable price , iv taken the risk as the fish is 4inchs in length so baby for the species , out come after a hour in the tank is a change in leadership ?! My tank boss an electric blue acara has stepped down with no challenge she isn’t making any effort in showing dominance but my larger of the Severum has decided she will fill that space and show the newby who rules the tank , has this Severum just became tank boss without even challenging the original tank boss , surely It won’t back down to the electric blue acara now ?
Love how unexpected cichlids behave , I’m rejoining a pair of keyholes and the smaller Severum this afternoon to free up space , the tetra will remain until I start to get losses , I’m also going to rehome the group of corys for no reason other than bio load , leaving me by the week end with a stock of
2 electric blue acara
1 green Sev
1 green terror
5 silver dollars
12 Colombian tetra
1 green phantom pleco
I’m thinking at that stock il have enough space for big egos and a lot cleaner of a tank being able to directly feed each fish rather than having to spread food around for the passive eaters , I’m hoping it stays this way as if have a real tough time rehominh a certain electric blue acara so hoping the aggression will stay between the GT and the Sev
Only 4 days of owning this fish and it’s become my favourite fish in my tank obviously I have my true favourite and honestly my tank stocking is based on my electric blue acara if it can’t work with her I normally back peddle fast , it’s growing fast considering these are typically slow burners with growing but it’s added a inch in 4 days , I’m guessing this fish got moved out of a small grow out tank just in time and having other fish in the tank would speed up growth a little ? but so far so good in my experience in cichlids pairing it seems like the Gt is trying to attract the attention of this certain EBA knowing they can cross breed iv been monitoring them after the eba lost her breeding partner a few months ago she has calmed down gained size but been pacing the glass for a hour a time almost every day since this arrival of the Gt this has stopped , what would seem like aggressive behaviour for most fish , Gill flaring circling each other I recognise this as pairing activity from past experience. Ideally I wouldn’t want them to pair , added aggression and hybrid fry is not what I’m after . But it would secure the safety of the eba in the tank , iv added a photo hoping somebody can verify my opinion that this fish is male , the dorsal fin won’t help the ID as it lost the tip on day one after a telling off from my Severum but now at 6inch ish I’m thinking I see the start of the hump and the colour on the body , I only ask to so I can validate that it is breeding behaviour and not some sort of slow burning danger


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