Iv said it before and il say it again I want a green terror so I’m buying one ,
Plan is to move my Colombian tetra and corys off and in time my keyholes then possibly my electric blue acara depending on the outcome
Leaving a 500l stocked with two green Severum a green terror
5 silver dollars and a green phantom pleco.. any thoughts ? Iv guesstimated a 60-70% success chance knowing that a green terror could just be a complete bum hole and do what it wants anyways but the selected tank mates are already mature if not almost there , the green terror being juvenile will be bottom of the hierarchy for a fair while and possibly grow up without moving up the hierarchy, leaving a much more peaceful tank boss in a Severum , I know people will read this and think why bother trying the advantages to weight up to the potential disadvantage but I’m sometimes I think a change in thinks can reignite the passion we have for the hobby , maybe subconsciously I’m craving change, a little excitement back into my tank , it was fun and a challenge to set up a community tank that worked with fish that could easily eat others and fish that could fight for territory, it’s taught me a lot about tank layouts and timing of introductions to the tank but it’s time for a change
Plan is to move my Colombian tetra and corys off and in time my keyholes then possibly my electric blue acara depending on the outcome
Leaving a 500l stocked with two green Severum a green terror
5 silver dollars and a green phantom pleco.. any thoughts ? Iv guesstimated a 60-70% success chance knowing that a green terror could just be a complete bum hole and do what it wants anyways but the selected tank mates are already mature if not almost there , the green terror being juvenile will be bottom of the hierarchy for a fair while and possibly grow up without moving up the hierarchy, leaving a much more peaceful tank boss in a Severum , I know people will read this and think why bother trying the advantages to weight up to the potential disadvantage but I’m sometimes I think a change in thinks can reignite the passion we have for the hobby , maybe subconsciously I’m craving change, a little excitement back into my tank , it was fun and a challenge to set up a community tank that worked with fish that could easily eat others and fish that could fight for territory, it’s taught me a lot about tank layouts and timing of introductions to the tank but it’s time for a change