Green terror breeding

Benji k

Oct 13, 2022
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I’ve had a green terror in a tank for a while and I think it was a male and it was to young to breed and I added to new green terrors and I’m preety sure ther female one of the female he keeps going over to and shaking his tail very fast like having a siesure and he’s chasing the other one away is this breeding behaviour
I love the phenotype of these fish but they can be so aggressive. I used to have a colony of them. At some point, I kept them even outdoors and sold all of them to a German guy. It turned out that at some point they even attacked one another of their own kind. And the aggression started already at a young age. But I had so many of them. Not one single store wanted to have them, knowing how aggressive they could be. So, I got a call from a friend of mine who knew someone from Germany who was seeking for those fish. I told him that if he'd be willing to catch them all by himself, he would get them for a very low price.
I love the phenotype of these fish but they can be so aggressive. I used to have a colony of them. At some point, I kept them even outdoors and sold all of them to a German guy. It turned out that at some point they even attacked one another of their own kind. And the aggression started already at a young age. But I had so many of them. Not one single store wanted to have them, knowing how aggressive they could be. So, I got a call from a friend of mine who knew someone from Germany who was seeking for those fish. I told him that if he'd be willing to catch them all by himself, he would get them for a very low price.
Yeah I think the male and the big female have parred up and not letting the smaller female have any territory so I’m going to have to move her out or they will maybe eventually kill her
Yeah I think the male and the big female have parred up and not letting the smaller female have any territory so I’m going to have to move her out or they will maybe eventually kill her
That would be a wise thing to do...

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