Gravel from old tank


Fish Crazy
Jun 9, 2004
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Devon, U.K.
Hi everyone, I'm gonna be setting up a 15 gallon tank in September when I go back to university. I've taken a fist-sized ball of gravel and placed in my current filter to load it up with bacteria, do you think that's enough? I was just looking at someone else's diary of setting up their tank and they had like a big bottle full of it! Saying that, it was for a 4ft tank ;)
I would bring some used filter material. Put it in your new filter and it will cycle much faster.
Rusty_S said:
I was just looking at someone else's diary of setting up their tank and they had like a big bottle full of it! Saying that, it was for a 4ft tank ;)
That wouldn't happen to be mine would it? :p

I have a 4ft tank and cut a 2 litre bottle lengthways and filled it with used gravel. This was only because my other tank was having a re-fit and i was chucking the gravel away. The more established media you can put into a new tank the faster the bacterial colony will build up, it's as simple as that :)


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