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Mostly New Member
May 27, 2015
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Hi, I bought 2 opalone gouramis and 2 m light gouramis from pets at home 10 days ago, they told me they would be fine to go into the same tank and up to now they have been fine, but today the bigger one of each species has started chasing and pestering the smaller ones, what should I do please
Gourami are territorial fish, so please try to separate them for the time if you can.
What size is the tank?
4 males in a 3 foot tank?
 You need lots of plants for the smaller fish to hide.  Personally I think a 3 foot tank is too small for 4 males.
I agree.  You received some very inaccurate advice from that store.  Even with plants, you are going to have issues increasing.  I would even go so far as to suggest that before many weeks have passed, and assuming all four are males, you will likely only have one male, this one having killed the others.
"Opaline" is one of several varieties of the species Trichogaster trichopterus.  This species is the Blue Gourami, Gold Gourami, Three-Spot Gourami, Opaline Gourami, Cosby Gourami, and probably several others.  Males are very territorial, and attain close to six inches, which is not small.  I would return all four, and look for more suitable fish.  You could keep one, but at its large size and given its unpredictable behaviour (individual fish can vary, but often they can be quite feisty and nasty) you will have trouble finding tankmates.
I sorry Byron but I find you post quite upsetting,I am new to this fish keeping and I was going on the advice I had from what I thought was a reliable source, but you make me feel as though I have intentionally done something wrong.
MikeTippett said:
I sorry Byron but I find you post quite upsetting,I am new to this fish keeping and I was going on the advice I had from what I thought was a reliable source, but you make me feel as though I have intentionally done something wrong.
I sincerely apologize if that was how you read my comments.  I thought I made it clear the fish store has misled you, perhaps deliberately but to give them the benefit of the doubt, likely more out of not knowing themselves.  Few stores actually train their staff, especially chain stores; locally owned hobbyist stores are usually better in this regard.
The rest of my post merely pointed out the issues with this fish.  All of us had to learn all this, often the hard way, but at least today we have forums where those new to the hobby can ask questions and obtain good advice, and you've come to us so that is good.  I can't see that I directed blame towards you, none was intended.  But you do have issues and need to take appropriate action, and given the tank size and the species I would strongly recommend returning the fish assuming they will allow this.  You indicated that you are already seeing aggression, so the store should accept this, if they want you as a regular long-term customer.
Hi, Byron, thanks for that and all is good and I intend going to the store tomorrow and making arrangements to return the fish. Thanks again and no probs.
Mike I have 1 lace Gourami in a tank with 6 Red Rasboras , Some 20 Red cherry shrimp some 20 Glass shrimp and who knows howmany baby shrimp and they all live in harmony.
I was also misled by my LFS about having 2 males in a 2 foot tank, " Yes sir they will be fine " all they did was fight, In the end I had to seperate them.
I have found that Gouramis are almost as tempramental as Bettas, My suggestion is keep 1 Gourami as they are a beautifull fish and take the other 3 back.
Hey thanks, I was going to take all four back but I might just keep one now.
You could set up something like this.
I have 3 male dwarf gourami.  they flash and chase, but each has their own territories in my tank.  But, one day I will most likely have to separate them. 
MikeTippett said:
Hey thanks, I was going to take all four back but I might just keep one now.
This would be a mistake, as these are different species.  You have Trichogaster trichopterus  while Nick's "lace" gourami (also known as the Pearl Gourami) is Trichopodus leerii.  The Pearl is considerably less inclined to be nasty, and it remains a bit smaller at just over four inches.  This fish would be OK in your 3-foot tank, whereas the ones you have are less suitable.
One has to research every fish species before acquiring them.  Not all "gourami" are the same in behaviours.
Bad advice from pets at home again.opaline/blue/three spot/yellow should only be kept together.any other gourami with them will be bullied.I have three females and one male.this ratio works in my 300 litre.before this I had one male with no problems.when I added two females it was carnage.I added another female and it was instant.I never have any problems now.you can mix dwarf gouramis but mixing with three spots etc is alot riskier.
Just like to add.by nature gouramis chase each other.it's what they do.
Well, my dwarf gourami are no more.  They started fighting too much for me.  I now have a pair of pearls.  :)  yay

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