Gourami are fantastic fish, great choice!!
As for picking some, it's hard to choose. Opaline/Blue Gourami for some very active fish with great blue colours - same again with Gold Gourami but obviously gold colouring. Pearl/Lace Gourami tend to be abit more shy but can have some fantastic looking fins, Kissing Gourami are brilliant pink colours, with their "kissing" keeping people amused for hours. Then you have the smaller variety, Dwarf Gourami, Sparkling Gourami, Croaking Gourami...etc
As you have a 240L tank, I would suggest a couple of the larger Three-Spot variety (Gold/Opaline/Blue, they are all three-spot varieties). Remember, you should always try and keep 1 male to a group of females.
Another thing to remember, is that gourami need access to the water level top in order to breath from the surface. They also need some floating or very tall plants in which to hide - they can become very shy at times, especially if a dominant male is giving chase - you need to offer somewhere for your poor females to hide!
Either way, good luck with the gourami! Any thing I can do to help, just let me know
- Metka
(The Gourami Lover).