Gourami Help Please


Fish Crazy
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
Minnesota, USA
Hi, I am not having good luck with blue dwarf gouramis. I lost my first 1 about a month ago, maybe longer. It got lethargic, stopped eating, and then got very bad sores. Luckily I was able to exchange it for another at my LFS, but now my current one is being lethargic and has stopped eating. It's been really good and active since I got it. Why does this keep happening with my gouramis, my other fish are doing great and my water is liquid tested every week and is good. Is there any ways to prevent it from getting sores and dying like the last? Time for the hospital tank? If so what do I treat it with?
I never had any luck either with gouramis.

Does he look pale, or darker in colour?
Is he resting alot on the substrate?
Does he lean to one side when resting?
Any red sores, or red streaking on body, fins, blood patches?
Does he look pale, or darker in colour? No
Is he resting alot on the substrate? Yes
Does he lean to one side when resting? No
Any red sores, or red streaking on body, fins, blood patches? No

It looks completely normal other than the resting on the substrate.
If he's resting alot, and not eating I would try a bacterial med.

Does the fish look bloated?
Good Luck RyanV,
Let us know how you get on if you don't mind.
Gourami did not make it :( I will probably not be getting another even though they are very pretty.
So sorry Ryan.
You tryed your best.

You could always look for a good local breeder of gouramis.
Sometimes you can buy fish from the LFS that haven't had time to settle down before they are sold. They were already ill when you bought them.

I good question to ask the LFS is how long have they had the fish in store before you buy the fish.
Will do, I have also recently found a specialty fish only store, would these be better fish than say pet suppliers like petsmart and petco?
Watch the tank of fish for a while to make sure there no sick looking fish in the tank.
Never buy fish from a tank that has sick fish. Or Dead fish.
Make sure the colour of the fish isn't faded.
Watch fish for balance in the water.
Make sure there active and healthy.
No signs of finrot, bloating.
Check there eyes also. cloudy eyes, or swollen.

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