Gourami Bubble Nest Question


Fish Connoisseur
Mar 2, 2009
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I have spotted my male gourami at one end of the tank making bubbles, but he is near the outlet of the filter and his bubbles are flowing down the tank collecting at the other end. He is then swimming down and pushing them into a pile. I have never had any bubble nesters breed before, and I really do not want these to breed at the moment.
Just over a week or so ago, these gourami were at deaths door, and although they are strong enough to have been moved out of the small hospital tank, they are in my 180l tank where I can keep a closer eye on them over the next few weeks. I really do not want them to use up energy spawning at the moment.
Any ideas how I can stop them?
I am thinking if I move the outlet slightly so the bubbles to not settle at the other end of the tank, would this work?
Hmmm.... it's not like it would hurt them to try or anything. :p  But you could always separate the female from the male.  Sometimes it's hard to get fish out of the breeding mode-if ya know what I mean. :/  I wouldn't worry about it too much.  Male gouramis often make bubble nests even when the female isn't gravid (or capable to lay eggs).  
Good luck!
Its just with them being ill recently I dont want them to try, but with my luck breeding fish, they are going to. I have moved the flow for now and blown all his bubbles around the tank. I do feel mean :(
let them try .. only then you will see that they are healthy and happy?..:)  they wouldnt do it otherwise as natural instinct to survive would kick in

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