Got my first real plants

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Fish Herder
Jan 30, 2004
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I just went to my LFS today and purchase 2 corkscrew val and 1 giant Hygfe?(i can't read the guys writting). Anyways when I purchase these plants i told the guy that i have a 25 W flouriscence ligthing and had cichlids, he refered me to these plants and told me all I have to do is just burry them in the gravel CO2 is not needed and thats it, is this correct?. What Advice can you guys gave me to keep these plants alive and well since i know nothing about aquatic plants. Thanks in advance for all your responses(I hope i can get a response :D )...
Corkscrew Val:

Giant Hygrophila:

At 25W (like me) you want low light plants: Java Fern, Java moss, Crypts, Hygrophila Polysperma.

All of these plants are doing well so far for me, with only 1 watt/gallon. All of these plants are relatively cheap and available.

Oh, and Hygrophila difformis (Wisteria)... not so good. They were languishing, but the final straw was the Pearl Gourami deciding to... redecorate a bit. :crazy:

HTH! :thumbs:
did you have these plants on your tank, what else do you add on the water for these plants to do really well....?
Thanks for the link modernHamlet :thumbs: One more thing I forgot to mention, you know those foams that covered the roots i didn't take it out cause the guy from my LFS said that i don't have to take it off(It made the planting a lot easier as my gravel is only about an inch thick), I'm i supposed to take it off or would it affect the plants if I leave them on?
I've done some reading on the plants that i just got and found out that the corkscrew val needs medium lighting, I have very low lights right now and i'm wondering if my vals would live. Also as my previous says i'm i supposed to take off the foaming that was on the roots? thanks
:fish: The plants will do much better without the foam, your gravel could do with being a little deeper at the back of your tank so the plants will have a good base for rooting. :D
Don't bury the crown (bit where the leaves sprout) of your vallis under the gravel, just bury the roots. :D
It can help with rooting if you cut the roots down to about 1in or slightly longer :D
G_Sharky said:
did you have these plants on your tank, what else do you add on the water for these plants to do really well....?
The only other thing I've done for these plants was give them a Flourite substrate. I don't know if they're taking advantage of the iron in it yet, but the plants seem to be a little more sturdy in it than gravel. Throwing out lots of roots that are grabbing hold.

I pretty much have a black thumb with regard to most plants, but the plants I've purchased so far, with the exception of the Wisteria, have done fine. If I can grow something ANYONE can! :D

The Polysperma has already filled the back left quadrant behind my driftwood. Most stems have doubled in size in a week. It's really pretty too.

The Java Fern and Moss are both just kinda sitting there. Not growing, but doing fine and looking healthy. One of the fern rhizomes has a 1/2" growth starting.

I subjected the crypt. wendtii bunches to the full length of my fishless cycle, so one of them eventually melted. That was entirely my fault. The other has a prominent new home and is looking robust, with many new leaves.

If you like the long, thin lines of the Vals, get a few Thai Onion plants. I've got mine in the back where the filter outflow is and as they grow, they should arch up and outward toward the front of the tank.

Anyway... Good luck with your choices! HTH! :thumbs:
One more questions guys, Would I need fertilizers for these plants since i have very low light(not even 1 watt per gallon) and I read somewhere that i should wait atleast 4 weeks before i start to add fertilizers. I just don't wanna see these plants die and rot since my fish seems to like it...

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