Got Me A School Of Tiger Barbs


Hammer Time
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Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA
I was recently considering increasing my stock in my 29 gallon tank.   I read a topic on this site about mixing barbs and that got me interested in adding a school to my tank.  I heard they are less aggressive to other fish in a proper size school.   So I went out and bought 6 tiger barbs this morning.  I'm presently acclimating them.   
In the tank already, are 4 rummynose and 2 neon tetras.   Their numbers have gradually diminished over the last year and a half although I believe my tank is stable and the water parameters are fine.  I do not plan on adding more rummynose or neons.  As those die off,  I will make the tank mainluy a barb tank with maybe added albinos and green barbs.  Also in the tank is a Bolivian ram and a 4 1/2 inch BN pleco (who hides most of the time under the driftwood).   The tank has lots of plants the the driftwood is large.  
I hope this works out.  Opinions welcome.
I may be wrong, but it sounds like you may be getting close to your stocking limit now....
that's kinda what I figured.  But am open to opnions.
Well, I'd wait for someone more knowledgable than me to comment to your exact stocking levels, but if you can safely fit anything else in there, I'd go for something that stays at the top of the tank, to help balance things out.
With tiger barbs, it's a case of the more, the merrier. 
I normally say that 6 is the minimum level for a shoal of a shoaling species, but with tigers, and the aggression issue, you would be better off with at least 8, and preferably more.
Yes, you are approaching your stocking limit, so I'd suggest waiting until the rummynoses and neons leave some vacancies, if you know what I mean.... :)
I'd suggest you keep an eye on these tiger barbs, they are known to be pretty aggressive as TLM said earlier.
Certainly the more the better when it comes to Tiger Barbs to help spread agression and having a largish tank with lots of plants and wood to help break lines of sight etc will aide your current stocking.
Do show some pics soon ;)
Forgot to mention:   along with the 6 tiger barbs, 2 neons, 4 rummynose, 3 julii, cory and 1 Bolivian ram, and the bullnose pleco, also in the tank is a 3 inch nanus cory and an ottocinclus... so I guess Im probably at the upper limit for stocking this 29 gal tank..... I do 50%  wc weekly and clean the filter every 2 weeks.  I plan to  monitor nitrate levels and adjust my tank maintenance as needed.  I am running a hob penquin filter and also a sponge filter.  
 In the 3rd picture, blelow, my full grown bushy nose pleco made a rare appearance under the driftwood arch.   He usully hides under a corner of the driftwood till nighttime.    At first introduction to the tank, 2 of the tigers were nipping at each other...or perhaps it's part of a mating ritual in their nice new home.  The other fish seem to ignore the tigers and the tiger seem to be ignoring all is good.  Rummynoses are red which is a good sign.


the barbs seems comfortable in the new tank....not aggressive to other fish at all...but they do have a big appetite...gobble up whatever I put in the tank and always foraging for more food....reminds me of my angel fish in my other tank..he's always begging for food and watches me constantly to see when i will feed him next---he's a real pig :)
Beautiful tank.  I love barbs but there's no room for them in anything I have right now, which would mean another tank.....again :D
I just wish my moneywort and jungle val would grow...they've all been stunted since I planted them...but at least the anubias and java fern are looking ok..tried ferts...maybe my lighting is not right...but I don't plan on getting brighter lights as I think fish like less bright lighting

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