Good Tank Locations


Fish Fanatic
May 7, 2006
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Leicestershire - UK
I will be getting my first Tropical setup put together in the next couple of weeks. The tank will be going in my house in the dining room, away from direct sunlight and distrubance from people walking through. However, I want to put my quaratine tank elsewhere and possibly even additional tanks in the future. I currently have 2 options, neither of which are actually in the heated part of the house.

I have an internal garage which does get quiet cool, but is fairly large and will allow for ample space for some tanks and seating, as well as parking my car. This would be my perferred option as water and electric is already available there.

The second option is a large outside shed. It will need the floor strengthing where the tanks were to be put. It will also need electric running to it. There's no heating in there, so can get quite cold. I could insulate the shed and plasteboard it internally, but would prefer not to have to do this. Would this be suitable?? Would the heaters take care of the temperature of the water with no issues???

In some ways, I prefer the outside shed, but its the expense that would be involved getting electrics to it and possibly insulating it. I would simply strengthen it by running framework through the floor to the concrete underneath. The garage already has electric and water in it and therefore is my first choice, however, I'm concerned about fumes from the car and the fact it cant be insulated any further than it is.

thanks in advance
Dont go with the shed IMO as the UK winters are below freezing and in summer 20+ degrees. Temperature fluctuations in sheds are huge and will massively impact on your water temp. as well as putting a huge strain on heaters etc. Garage is better option as insulation will be better reducing chance of big temp. changes. However, there are risks from tools and bits hitting the tank as well as car fumes. Heaters will have to work much harder as well as it's much cooler out there.

Personally id go for neither but see what others think. :no:

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