Good Quality Females


Fish Crazy
Dec 11, 2012
Reaction score
West Devon
Last week I was moaning about the poor quality of female bettas available.
Well heres a suprise. I went into my local P@H as they were having a bank holiday 20% off tanks, (got AquaNano 40 for £74, nice!) and lo and behold they had hidden away in a corner a tank full of the best quality females I have seen in quite a while. And various types too. The manager told me they get them from indonesia, from a wholesaler called Gag ( well thats what I thought he said) Any way check out these juggernaughts! (I couldnt go away empty handed, anyway my sorrority suffered a loss in the week so I needed to rebalance).
The one at the top in this photo is one of the new girls, check out her size compared to the other two in the picture.
What stunners!
Whenever my LFS has females they are kept in little jars, dunno why...
Lovely, maybe they are giant Betta females?
RCA said:
Lovely, maybe they are giant Betta females?
If thats the case they were the deal of the decade at £5 for 2.
If anyone is in the area they are at P@H Launceston, here are some BAD photos of them in store, there is still a white one left and she is massive. You can just see the whie ones face in the first photo
You got really lucky! Those are nice looking. I wish my LFS had better females. I've been wanting one for a while now.
They are gorgeous! Good find. My LFS have pink ones in at the moment. I love them but don't know enough about them to bring any home. 
I saw a male fighter yesterday in the guppy tank, he was a pale chocolate/cappuccino colour I have never seen one this colour before but couldn't bring him home as I have guppies and can't offer him a better home than he's in. 
Are your females in a tank by themselves or do you have other fish with them?
Ny82 said:
They are gorgeous! Good find. My LFS have pink ones in at the moment. I love them but don't know enough about them to bring any home. 
I saw a male fighter yesterday in the guppy tank, he was a pale chocolate/cappuccino colour I have never seen one this colour before but couldn't bring him home as I have guppies and can't offer him a better home than he's in. 
Are your females in a tank by themselves or do you have other fish with them?
I have found that the darker the female the better they do. I had a pink one and she nearly reached maturity but she got a recuring fungus infection and eventualy bought the farm.
My girls are in with 3male guppies and a female guppy and 3 tetras. I tend to find they will bicker amongst themselves and leave the other fish alone.
In one of my LFS's there is a super delta male who is cream and chocolate, he is in with some crystal shrimp. I have kept an angel tail guppy with my stud male for nearly a year before moving him on to another tank. IMO, it is the juvenile males that can be an issue with guppies, this I believe is to do with size .As the male betta gets bigger the guppies are much more mobile and seem less of a threat.
Thanks for the info! I had a male fighter in my tank with platies last year and they were fine together. Females are something I will look into. 

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