Good Plants


Especially African Cichlids
Nov 25, 2003
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Somewhere in Wisconsin
Probably going to order some fish and plants from foster and smith and wanted to know good plants. I have 2 1/2 watts per gallon. Thinking wisteria and others as of now I have no plants so need foregruond mid-ground and back-ground plants. Would like your opinions.

Will try to get java moss for my 5 pieces of driftwood can i cut it or whatever to get more than one?
Java moss is a big tangled bunch. There is no "one moss"... you can rip off all the pieces you want.

You should get a java fern because it's one of those great one-plant-fits-all plants. It'll grow whether you like it or not (albeit very slowly). What's funny is the only time I've killed one it was by putting it in direct sunlight.

Not sure what else to suggest since the rest of my experience is limited (I also have anacharis... it's fun to propagate). You could find some riccia fluitans to spread over your driftwood too, but it doesn't attach. Have to tie it on somehow.
I am partial to Amazon Swords. I have two in my tank. One huge one small. Also, Melon swords are a nice plant to have. Crypts are a good foreground plant.

Other than that it's just whatever you prefer? Swords, stem plants, crypts. Lilys, bulbs, etc.

My planted tank has grown in diversity over the last 3 months. I picked a few plants, shopped around found a couple more i liked, few weeks later added a few more ones.

I'm expecting another order of plants in the mail anyday now. :D I got some large Vals, dwarf Onions and some more crypts.
I would second the riccia fluitans, but as a floating plant. It creates a great cover and can be controlled easily. It's also a good way to propogate it for other purposes.

My male gourami is currently building a large bubblenest in a still area of the surface protected by a large island of riccia in my 29g. It would make my day to have the gourami breed without really doing anything out of ordinary with them.

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