Good Plant Food Reccomendations


Fish Herder
Dec 12, 2011
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what plant foods do you all use and reccomend? preferably in liquid form, im currently using aqua carbon by AE designs, which ive found ok, but was wandering what others use, im comming to the end of the bottle and not sure weather to buy again or get another just as good version but more readily available as the aqua carbon is hard to find and ive only found it on a few websites so far, any suggestions must be ok with shrimp and its for a 300LT tank so nothing thats going to be used up too quickly :good:
i use the same stuff as you for carbon but for other fertilizers i use dry salts :good:
salt? you mean like aquarium salt? not sure i follow :unsure: will salt harm my corys?
ahh ok, looks like hard work, mixing and waiting over night :unsure: i prefer something already mixed and in a bottle, coz im lazy :lol:
You can always throw the dry salts in your tank. Not what I do, I make stock, but it's an option. They are far cheaper. I use fluidsensor ones as well.

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