Good non-schooling fish compatible with Cory Cats

Nov 21, 2016
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Hello all. I have a 20 gallon tank with 5 Corydoras Catfish. I wanted to get a middle to high swimming fish in the tank to add variety. Since I already have 5 fish, I didn't want to add too many new fish to prevent overstocking. But many fish I have researched are schooling fish and prefer to be in groups. What are some good, hardy, easy fish that will be compatible with my catfish but don't require a group?

A 20g is unlikely to be big enough for angels.

OP; what are the dimensions of your tank, and is your water hard or soft?
Peacock Gudgeon, small peaceful and has beautiful colours. A male and 2 females would be good IMO
Agree with Fluttermoth, we could use the water parameters and dimensions, and angelfish are definitely not possible here. Subject to the parameters, I also agree with Munroco's suggestion. But to respond to your point about overstocking, this would not happen with some of the smallish shoaling fish that suit corys so well. We can consider suitable species when we know the parameters and dimensions.

Thanks for your replies everyone. Here are the dimensions of my tank facing the front of it.

24 in. wide
12 in. deep
16 in. high.

The water is regulated to a pH of 7.0.
Thanks for your replies everyone. Here are the dimensions of my tank facing the front of it.

24 in. wide
12 in. deep
16 in. high.

The water is regulated to a pH of 7.0.

This is the basic of "high" 20g (as opposed to the "long" which would be 30 inches in length and shallower).

Can you explain what the regulated pH means? And, do you happen to know the GH and KH (the hardness values)? If you find the GH and Alkalinity (KH) for your tap water from the municipal water authority this will do.
I use this Seachem Neutral Regulator for my water which, among other things, keeps the water at a pH of 7.0. ( Also, as for testing the GH, and KH, I don't have the tools, but looking at a water report for my area shows that the average alkalinity is 27ppm and the average hardness is 58ppm.
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I have three corys with a German Blue Ram pair in a 40 gal but a 20 may work. They get along great even when spawning.

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