Good Day To You


Ohai dere c:
Apr 4, 2011
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Hope you're all well
Havent been on as much as I'd like, exams coming up, 150% of time devoted to revision, social life dwindling
Some things have changed, lost a lampeye to a filter, it got itself wedged in the corner, moved the filter away from the wall now.. also lost a kuhli loach to what looked like a heater burn, quite severe, didnt last the night, pretty sure it wasnt anything nasty as nothing else in the tank has become ill or infected since, moved the heater upwards and behind plant cover now.
Also, I sorted out my guppy explosion, moved the male out as he was stressing the females to death, now swimming round happily with a few of his male offspring in a 25 Litre until my 60 Liter comes along (yes, i know keeping males together isn't a good idea, but I'm here all day watching them and the most aggression amongst the five I've seen is a race to the surface at dinner time. Also cooled the tanks down to 23-4C to slow their breeding thoughts. Once again, i realise 5 Guppies in a 25L is probably too much, but as a temporary tank that is water changed twice a week with only 2/5 adult fish, it'll be okay for the time being, when the 60L comes along they'll have plenty of plants and places to hang out, aswell as some tankmates, likely Tetras or Rasboras, or Corydoras Hastatus
As far as filtering the new tank, I'm going for a new approach, instead of forking out expenses for a TT EX4-600, I'm going for a 740L/h Powerhead coupled up to an All Pond Solutions EF Filter booster (the smaller one, 1.2L i think) then attached to a spraybar or some other kind of outlet device. Should be an interesting mix to work with. If it doesnt work well enough, i have uses for the powerhead and the booster on my main tank and i'll resort to a EX600. I'll be running a Marina Slim S15 (comes with) but i'll probably convert it to a settling chamber (picks up crud from the water, settles in the filter body, water free of large particles passes upwards, through a foam "plate" then a floss layer to remove any particles that may've been carried up, then flows back into the tank through the waterfall). Better than not using it and leaving a hole in the tank, and better than using those cruddy little pads they give out (which are probably doped with all manner of toxic chemicals).
Substrate lileky to be riverbed gravel with fine sandy patches and coarser patches, planted with vallis and some bottom clinging plants. Black background with blue reverse side (sitting near a window, dont want excessive light causing massive algae blooms, blue reverse means i wont heat up through radiation/conduction quite so much)
So yeah, looks to be an interesting time
Aw, I'm sorry for your losses! 

Do you already have a journal or pics of the new tank? I'd love to see :)
i might make a journal, depends how much time i have, it'd be a nice thing to do, but currently i only have about 3/7 bits of kit i need, the rest i'll either have to go to a shop for or wait for it to come back into stock online
So far,
Marina Style 60 on order
740L/H powerhead on order
Heater&Slim S15 with the Style 60
Coarse gravel and sand
Still need:
Riverbed Gravel (JBL i believe)
Green stuff
The canister
Outlet spraybar or something (consiidering using a TT one or similar, they seen to be readily available as spares)
It'll be fun to set up, i also need to change the light from those pathetic GLO lamps to an interpet Daylight (PURPLE YAY) and get a digital thermometer, aswell as an alcohol one just for backup, the one i have is missing a sucker cup and seems to be impossible to clean properly
I am planning on using an APS booster filter with a powerhead when I get around to it. What size powerhead are you going for?

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