Gold Rams Or Apistos For 29 Gallon


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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I currently have a 29 gallon with three sparkling gouramis and four balloon mollies.  I would like to add a nice sized school of 8-10 pygmy cories to the tank, eventually.  I was wondering if a pair of gold rams could be added to the mix.  I know they like warmer temps and lower pH than the cories or gouramis.  However, I believe I read in another post that the further away they get from the wild population, the less sensitive they can be to water conditions...and I thought the gold rams were more likely to be further removed from the wild population?  What are your thoughts?
If the gold rams wouldn't be a good choice, would there be any apistos that might do well?
Hi the thing with the Rams is really hard to know - the golds can be quite far removed from wild but the gold gene can also come from wild type blues... so its not a garunteed thing either way.
Bolivian Rams would work great in this tank though :) A group of 4 of them could fit really well. Apistos could also work but you could get an aggressive male that causes problems I would go for one of the smaller species like Panduro just to try and weigh up the odds to work. But if you can only find something like Cockatoos or Aggazi they would possibly be ok.
I've been looking into water requirements for the sparkling gourami and the pygmy cories...they aren't as far off from the ram as I thought, but I don't know if they are close enough. 
For the pygmy cory, it seems they do prefer softer water, with a pH between 6.0 and 7.5.  The temperature range was roughly 76-80.
The sparkling gourami had similar ph requirements, and one source cited they did well with a dH ranging from 5-19.  The temperature range has been around 75-82.
I want to do some more checking in the numbers, but what are the ideal ranges for the gold rams?  I'm wondering if the requirements are close enough. 
Sorry to hijack the post, OP, but, Willis, you think 4 bolivian rams can fit in a 29 gallon tank?  I've been thinking about getting one and was wondering how many would fit safely. I recently noticed on the seriouslyfish profile that they are gregarious.

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