Gold Ram Covered In White Spots

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May 29, 2012
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As the title says, I have 1 gold ram and have noticed he is covered in white spots and he is acting wired too, I have 2 other cichlids in there but I'm not sure what type they are.
Action taken so far: I have turned the temperature up to 28c and added 1 table spoon of aquarium salt, is there anything else I can do?
Has any one else has this problem ?
You could take a picture of the fish you dont know so we can at least try to identify them. What are your water parameters for ammonia and nitrite?
I will test them now. They are rams but have not coloured up yet, I can't remember the name.
using our emergency form will also help

looks like two rams and a very pale african jewel cichlid to me
Gold Rams are notorious for keeling over if the water parameters are not spot on. Is that a treatment tank? It looks a little barren. Rams like a lot of cover in a tank to hide. The colouration on the other rams isn't very healthy either by all accounts, my rams do that when they are stressed out and quite literally petrified.
Water test:
PH: 7
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: Trace
Nitrate: Trace

This tank was a emergence setup and I have been doing wc every 2 days, I couldn't complete a full cycle but I added API stress zyme to boost the start, I have been keeping a close eye on the water as I hate putting fish in a tank that's not cycled but...I had no choice this time, they would have died if I didn't.

Gold Rams are notorious for keeling over if the water parameters are not spot on. Is that a treatment tank? It looks a little barren. Rams like a lot of cover in a tank to hide. The colouration on the other rams isn't very healthy either by all accounts, my rams do that when they are stressed out and quite literally petrified.

The other 2 rams (this is what the guy at the shop said) are young still and have not coloured up, since I got them they have started to show some blue colour
the dark bars on the rams indicate stress - Tizer is right that having some cover in there (few fake plants for example) might make them feel more comfortable.

looking at the pinkish one again, not sure it's a jewel either, it doesn't have the dark spots.
Ok I over looked that fact when putting them in there, my mistake. Would the white spots be stress too do you think ? I can rehome them in a friends tank but only if the gold ram has not for anything that could be passed on to other fish.
I have very young wild Rams, they are already blue and colourful with pink bellies so i know they are female. These rams are 100% stressed.

White spot can be caused by stress, yes, 100%
I have very young wild Rams, they are already blue and colourful with pink bellies so i know they are female. These rams are 100% stressed.

White spot can be caused by stress, yes, 100%

Ok, The guy at the shop did say he wasn't the "tropical fish guy" but still. The tank I brought them for would have killed them, as there was not enough O2 in the water (planted tank with CO2) so this tank was just a quick setup for them untill i could find a new home for them, they have been in there 7 days and are eating fine.

Thanks for all your help and advice guys, i will make sure these fish go to a better home Soon!
No reason why you cant keep Rams in a planted tank with CO2, i do. Unless you are going overboard with the CO2 and not using a drop checker? but if its your 30 litre, then yeah, even the tank is too small really :) Gluck mate!
No reason why you cant keep Rams in a planted tank with CO2, i do. Unless you are going overboard with the CO2 and not using a drop checker? but if its your 30 litre, then yeah, even the tank is too small really :) Gluck mate!

It was for the 55L I have going, and yes TO much co2 was being used (I bumped it up to control algae) and i forgot to put my drop checker in :/
I have just had another look at him and I don't think these white spots are stress, they look like something else the photo is not showing how bad it is.

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