Glowlight Tetra Breeding


Mostly New Member
Jun 28, 2014
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Hi I have 7 Glowlights in one tank and there is one Glowlight who seems to be pregnant and I am led to believe this as the fish has a larger stomach then the others and looks like all the others pictures of pregnant Glowlights on Google images. So I have noticed the fishes appearance like this for one day. My question is how long till it spawns and what precautions do I have to take.
Tetras aren't livebearers. They aren't "pregnant." These are egg-scattering fish. Either way, it is best to set up a separate tank. If you find that one of your males looks particularly colorful, put him and the eggy female into the other tank. They should spawn on their own if you've been feeding quality foods. The breeding tank needs to have java moss or similar hanging out in the bottom of the tank, pH of around 5-6, little peat moss should accomplish this. I've read that if you put craft mesh along the bottom, then have some clumps of java moss, the fish with spawn and the eggs will fall below the craft mesh but the adults won't eat them. Then simply remove the adults and wait until the fry are free-swimming to start them on liquifry and micro worms.

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