Glow-Lite Tetras


Fish Crazy
Feb 3, 2004
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I have 4 glow-lites in my tank. From body shape, it appears two are males and two are females. Well lately both females have swelled up a little.

The other day i noticed the two males chasing each other around. Then later in the day i noticed 1 male and one female swimming around and bumping into each other as if doing a weird little dance.

This morning i the two males chasing 1 female again.

I watched carefully and never noticed any eggs dropped. The females bellies are still quite large.

Is it common for glow-lites to breed in a community tank? What are their requirements?

In the case that they did, i would not expect any eggs to live. The other fish pick through the gravel like a comb.
Glowlights are one of the easiest tetras to breed. If the conditions are to their liking, then they'll get right on with it. In a community tank, eggs, and newly hatched fry stand little chance.

In a small breeding tank, the fry hatch after 24-30 hours and are free swimming 5 or so days later. They are small and need infusoria until they are large enough to take newly hatched BS and fine powdered food. That said, they are not difficult to raise.

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