Glow Fish

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Fish Fanatic
Aug 20, 2013
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Could anyone tell me if the Glow fish is available to buy in the uk?
Glo-Fish are illegal in the UK due to the fact that they are Genetically Modified.
Really, I did not know they were illegal to sell, saw some for sale a few weeks ago in Godstone in a garden centre which has an aquatics area. Glo tetras I think they were. 
Ugh, ugly IMO.
(teras are nice, just not glo ones!)
Don't forget there are two normal species of fish called 'glowlight', a tetra and a danio.
Definitely Glo Tetra fish that I saw at garden centre, bright green and pink ones if remember right.
But god tip though for the unwary.
yes, i have 6 glow lights at the moment, thats why I accidentally put glow instead of glo...

can't you just tell my fish dominate my thoughts?  Last night I thought they were all in bed with me...heaven help me LOL...
can anyone explane this to me ? iv got 2 glow tetras or so i thought . mine are like nions but orange 
cheers d 
toastie said:
can anyone explane this to me ? iv got 2 glow tetras or so i thought . mine are like nions but orange 
cheers d
Yours will (almost certainly) be glowlight tetras Hemigrammus erythrozonus; a perfectly normal, wild coloured fish.

'GloFish' are, usually, zebra danios (although you can get tetras and a few cichlids as well) that are genetically modified, by having a jellyfish gene inserted into the eggs (or sperm; I'm not 100% which!) so that they fluoresce, especially under UV light.

True 'GloFish' (which are patented and trademarked) are not legally available in the UK, so your fish shouldn't be those!
Ch4rlie said:
Definitely Glo Tetra fish that I saw at garden centre, bright green and pink ones if remember right.
But god tip though for the unwary.
Which garden centre was it? I'd like to see for myself.
These were at Godstone Knights Garden Centre.
Have not been there a while but we bought our last batch of RCS shrimps there and thats when I saw these Glo Tetras.
Was in a dark tank and those fish were glowing! 
Ch4lie they weren't these were they? If they were then they are perfectly legal(unfortunately) as they are Dyed Glass Fish.

These are Glo-Fish. Proper ones. 
To be honest I can't remember exactly.
But could well be these in the first pic.
What are these if they are not Glo Fish? Dyed Glass fish, are they modified as well? I've not heard of those before.
Tell you what, I'll go there tomorrow, it's only about 30 - 40 mins away from me, so not too far.
And if they're still there, I'll take a pic and then we can be sure which the fish am talking about are for certain.
Got a feeling if Dyed Glass Fish are legal then chances are it will be those.
TBH, these are pretty horrible as well IMO!

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