Getting ready to buy, here are my choices


Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I am finding it hard to design my tank, to picture what will look good where. I would appreciate help from y'all, if you could say, buy 3 of 'these' and plant them toward the back and two of 'these' and put them in the middle area.
I will work them around the rocks and decorations in the tank.

From the pinned article I have identified good hardy beginner plants.
I have a 10 gal with 20 watts full spectrum lighting.
I am planning to buy fluorite and to mix it into the 1 inch of gravel already in the tank to bring it up to 2 inches deep.
From people in my local club I can get the following healthy plants for a good price:
Cryptocoryne wendtii
Anubias barter v. nana
Hygrophila polysperma
Dwarf sagittaria (clump of a dozen plants)

I would appreciate any ideas on what to buy first!! I don’t want to start off heavily planted but to buy enough to start the tank off.
I was thinking a clump of dwarf sagittaria for the front of the tank, plus a few of what??? Knowing it is a small tank and I am somewhat limited, what others would be best?

These plants not listed as proven performers are also available:
several types of crypts: wendtii, x. willisii, pontederifolia, blassiii, balansae, cripatula v. crispatula, walkeri....
several types of swords: black, ruffled, pygmy chain, hormani red
Anubias barteri, barteri v. nana, congensis
A few other plants bacopas, hygro
FINE-LEAF WATER SPRITE (C. thalactoides)
I ALWAYS put in the algae busters in first. THings like your hornwort, water sprite, Wisteria, then go for the other types of plants if you need to get them at seperate times. Other wise when planting start at the back and work your way forward. It'll keep the headaches to a minimum (trust me on that :lol:).

Thanks Rose,
I will get a few tall plants then and put them in for now, but nothing else? I should wait until the background is established before putting shorter plants in?
If you give it a decent substrate to grab ahold of, a small batch of Hygrophila polysperma will quickly fill the back of your tank. Wisteria did horribly for me, but you have substantially more light than I did. I wish it'd do better, it's quite attractive.

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