Getting a!!

I agree with the fact that this may be a societal thing ....

and for you david I guess that beauty is in the eye of the beholder
I'm only bowing out because I have expressed my opinion and would only be reitterating what I've already said.

Before I go, however, I must mention that all of the pets I own aside from my fish are rescued animals. I have 2 dogs and 2 cats and treat them better than I think most people treat each other. I am a real wuss when it comes to animal cruelty and have a hard time watching any shows showing them in dangerous or hurtful situations; don't even try to get me to watch "Old Yeller". I consider myself a very compasionate person and work in health care with people who are in very desperate situations almost every day. I only mention these things because it's been implied that I'm an uncaring and/or cruel person because once a week I might feed my fish with live food. The fact that I do use live food may negate, in other people's minds, the other things I practice or preach. I guess I can't change those opinions but I personally feel OK with my feeding practices. Also, the fact that I may eat meat without knowing the cow's name or who killed it makes me wishy washy on animal rights. It is impossible to have a black and white line drawn on these issues because there are so many special circumstances and situations that would go against or primary morals and beliefs. That is why each of us developes "grey areas" that shift and overlap just enough to make ourselves feel comfortable with our decisions and feeding my fish earthworms and shrimp falls within that box for me.

So with that, I'll move on to another topic elsewhere...good luck with the debate. By the way, good going, Marshmallow! You've really strirred things up this Sunday!
It is illegal to sell or use live animals for feed in the UK and Europe. I have had several fish shops refuse to sell me fish that they have correctly thought i was buying as food for fussy predatory fish.
The arguement for "its natural" falls flat on its face when as mentioned before you take into account that the feeder fish has no hope of escape, even if it avoids being eaten the first time it will only be a matter of time till the predator catches it as they share the same tank.
Although i do and have used live fish i find the idea of it unpleasant, i never watch my fish take the feeders. If feeding live fish is avoidable, which in the majority of cases it is, then it should be avoided and a alternative diet used so there is no unnessesary suffering and stress for the feeders.

BTW i wonder how many people would still use feeders if they had to pay "pet" fish prices for their feeders, the fish i feed to my frogmouth cost me £1.50 (just under 3 dollars i think) each.
I can see this topic getting out of hand and moving in to different directions if we cant keep it on track i close it for good be warned in a polite manner thanxs!
david27 said:
:S Hold on everyone I've noticed one thing in this forum all those people attacking anna for her opinions on feeding live fish, live in the US. In the UK most pubilcations don't encourage feeding live fish unless the fish won't take dead food. So perhaps it is just a case of different cultures in our hobby which you simply will not be altered by attacking peoples personal beliefs. ps who wants to keep pirhanas anyway, pretty ugly looking things to me :sly:
I just wanted to say that 1) I noticed as soon as I joined this forum that there is a definite geographical/cultural association when it comes to peoples' opinions on feeding live food, 2) I didn't think anybody was 'attacking' Anna for her opinion; however, I did think that many were attacking Marshmallow for his, and 3) British Columbia is not in the USA. ;)

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