gestation period


New Member
Feb 17, 2004
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Lincolnshire, England
bought some pregnant guppies a week or so ago. They are really quite fat now. What is the gestation period for guppies I have put them in a breeding trap to try and keep some fry but dont really want them to have to be in therelonger than necessary

What do you think
It takes guppies about 30 days to drop fry. When their bellies start to square off on the bottom and they swell up a bit you know it's about time. Usually within a day or two. :)
Wait for your fish to drop. At 78 F, the fish should be placed in the net 3 weeks from then. The fish'll drop a week after. :D
Thanks Guys!!

I now see what you mean about them squaring off at thebottom. wo are just like that so I have put those back into the trap

Heres hoping for a delivery!!! :p

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