German Blue Ram Tank


Fish Crazy
Apr 30, 2013
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HI, i am setting up another tank
the tanks 55L and its going to be heavily planted but i want to know if its ok to 
put 5 cardinals and 2 GBRs in there from my 125L tank once its up and running and well planted with lots of hiding places etc.
what do you think??
I don't know enough about Freshwater to offer advice, but when I saw the title to the thread I had to check it out.  GBR = :drool:   Good luck.
30 Gallons (~120L) is my mark for GBRs, 20 Gallons (~80L) with a minimum footprint of 75 cm long would be my ABSOLUTE smallest tank I'd consider.
just out of interest how come so big for a small fish?
They aren't that small at all. There also insane active and need lots of space to chill out in.
ok thanks, what do you suggest that i do, i bought another tank because my current one is overstocked at the moment and i was going to move some across.
should i just leave it? its been like this for several months and i haven't had any problems until lately where GBR male getting a little bit stressed
(i say this ive seen it happen once) .
They are also territorial.  Remember, in the wild, they have access to a WHOLE lot more space.

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