German Blue Ram Fry Wiggling About!


Fish Herder
May 27, 2009
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I have removed another batch of 30 GBR eggs (attached to a pebble) from my main aquarium into a small fry aquarium, seeded with filter media from my pond. Over night, most of the fertilised eggs have moved from the pebble to the base of the tank and there appears to be waving fins poking out of many of the egg shells. Some of the fry appear to have no egg shell on their body and appear to be free swimming. They are no more than 1mm in length. When should I put some liquifry food in? I don't want them to die! Is liquifry food the best at this stage of their growth??
Note, at this point I can only see very small 1mm grey fry. I cannot see any features such as a mouth or eyes yet. They are 1 day old.
Here is a video of the fry:
It should be viewable at 7:30 pm BST.
Congratulations Mark! They're so tiny 

Haven't had much experience with breeding GBR but I'd guess either baby brine shrimp or Hikari first bites (thats what I feed my fish fry). If you could add a small plant like some java moss that'd always help too as fry seem to eat debris off that too! Hopefully someone with more experience will be along soon! 
Best of luck with the fry and please keep adding photos as they grow! Would love to see them!
fishmad135 said:
Congratulations Mark! They're so tiny 

Haven't had much experience with breeding GBR but I'd guess either baby brine shrimp or Hikari first bites (thats what I feed my fish fry). If you could add a small plant like some java moss that'd always help too as fry seem to eat debris off that too! Hopefully someone with more experience will be along soon! 
Best of luck with the fry and please keep adding photos as they grow! Would love to see them!
Thanks Fishmad! They are indeed very small. I have some Hikari first bites, Sera baby fish food and Liquifry by Tetra. I might try either the liquifry or first bites at some point but I'm not sure when I should go ahead and do so because the fry are that tiny that they are probably smaller than the pieces of food. I've ordered a vinegar eel food culture from eBay which is apparently a good live food for them which can survive, rather than rot, in the water for 24 hours.
Is there anybody out there that as experience of when to best feed GBR fry and with what????
I've been giving them liquifry 2-3 times a day now. They appear to have 2 black spots on each of them now, perhaps a pair of eyes?
I feel like I've jumped in the deep end with respect to caring for these fry but so far so good! 
Day 2 video

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