Mostly New Member
I have a 62 litre tank which has been running quite merrily for 12 years. I hold my hands up and admit that I was getting bored of maintaining it so had stopped stocking it and kind of decided when the last occupant popped its clogs i would ditch. Well my last occupant is a glass shrimp - he must be about 10 years old (which i didn't think was even possible - and certainly didnt plan on him being a long term relationship!) but hes still merrily toddling along... But I just hit a problem. My heater died some time ago but the house is pretty warm and he didn't seeem bothered so i didn't replace it... But now my filter has sputtered its last. This is obviously more of an issue, primarily because being a totally neglectful owner i have only just noticed... I changed a lot of water today because it stank. Im assuming the pump must have died some time ago. Bless him hes still merrily swimming about and doing shrimpy stuff ( i have witnessed stressed shrimp because in my early days i nearly poisoned them by putting new plants in..) he seems pretty happy... Ive ordered a new tank on next day delivery ( a tiddly fluval chi ) and will transfer him but not sure whether there is any salvagable bacteria in my current tank. It is well planted but obviously the broken pump means it hasnt been oxygenated recently... The smell would suggest im in touble as well. Whats the least stressful way to play this? I know its only one shrimp but ive had him a long time and a shrimp is for life and all that... I kind of think he deserves to die of old age and im quite cross with myself for being neglectful. Do i ditch everything out of the old tank or is any of it likely to be worth transfering?