Geophagus Surinamensis Fungal Infection/not Taking Food


Mostly New Member
Jan 19, 2014
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     I purchased a pair of 4 inch Geophagus surinamensis yesterday from my LFS for my 55. They have developed small white fungal patches at the base of their caudal fins and one has a rather large (about the size of a dime) patch behind his/her (can't sex them yet) operculum just below his/her lateral line. The smaller of the two has a serious chunk taken out of his/her lower caudal fin from the tank at the lfs where they were treated rather roughly. They are not skittish but are not confident, I've tried frozen frozen brine shrimp, flakes, and pellets but they are not taking any of it. I'm considering trying bloodworms though I know they are not the safest frozen food. Is loss of appetite something taht comes often with fungal infections? Generally I can get the fish to rid it on their own with a nutrient rich diet (it worked with my keyholes and orange chromides) but these fish are of course not eating. They are both doing a great deal of rubbing against the aquarium walls and rocks. What plan of action do you suggest? I'm currently running a fluval 406 canister and an aqueon 55-75 hang off the back quietflow. They are sharing the tank with a breeding pair of kribensis which will be moved into my 30 gallon as soon as I get my 7 gallon cycled and move the shrimp and rasboras out of the 30 gallon into the 7 gallon (I'm telling you this because if they are too much of a stress on the new fish they can easily be moved within the next week or so, although they keep to their cave they do chase fish that attempt to enter the cave or swim over the cave), three young keyhole cichlids, two threadfin acaras which are two inch spazzy juveniles, a pair of congo tetras, and a 5 inch siamese flying fox. Lots of sight barriers and rockwork so there are minimal territory issues.
What should my course of action be? Last time I used meds I was young and naive and ended up killing my 8 inch ghost knifefish, so there's some anxiety there. 

Also I've heard these fish need anywhere between 55-125 gallons depending on the site, can anyone shed some light/old man wisdom here? 
use live food, like mosquito larva.. with the change they are still adjusting. call and see what the LFS were feeding them.
if you don't have any live plants in the tank you can put some methylene blue in, won't harm any of your fish, just will help them rid what they got.
** just saw what you said about you BGK, the mythylene is fine for fish like that, and never had an issue using it with mine.. and other sensitive fish 
now i haven't kept these fish, so my recommendation might not be 100% right, but if i was in your situation that is what i would do. guess you'll have to wait for someone else to give you advise. 
all the best
Thanks Berryattack,
     The larger of the two dropped dead this morning (so much for a happy birthday) I have live plants in the tank but am still considering mythylene, my LFS is closed today/it's MLK day so don't know if any chain fish stores are open ether. But I'll certainly grab some tomorrow. the smaller fish is healing already and the fungus is shrinking however he/she is still not eating but I will pick up some live brine shrimp tomorrow when I get the meds. Hopefully she'll (lets just use she) hang in there another day or so!!! But then again the recently deceased fish looked much more healthy and died before I had much of a chance to act. Poor fish. I feel terrible.
     Hopefully she'll pull through! Thanks for the advice! Fingers crossed!

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