Gentle giant- Oscar

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Captain holt

New Member
Aug 29, 2020
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Anyone else’s Oscar been a gentle giant?
I’ve had my fair share of psychotic oscars lol but since buying Rudy around a year ago I’ve noticed that she’s been the most placid and gentle Oscar I’ve ever had.
She’s been raised up around some very small fish and whilst intrigued by them, hasn’t ever had a go at them (at least not that I’ve seen)
I daringly added a juvenile EBA about two weeks ago and Rudy couldn’t care less 😂


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I can just see Rudy looking at the EBA and thinking. " Good my owner has stocked the pantry again, I'll keep that for a special occasion"😂
Hahaha I’m hoping she remains peaceful 😂 she is definitely a spoilt fish tho! Gets fed a cube of brine shrimp and a couple prawns every few days plus hikari gold that she munches on very loudly 😂 if she does start to show signs of aggression I have a couple tanks that my eba can go to!
not such a good idea
the fish is either going to be stressed with no physical aggression or you're going to find them cut in half some day
even if the oscar doesn't care about the EBA yet it doesn't mean that the EBA isn't intimidated by the oscar
Do you every feed her ox heart. I would freeze ox heart and then just grate a bit off with a cheese grater, it is then fine enough that she will take it. If you have seen my photo of Charlie jumping out of the tank if you look at my fingers you can see the ox heart on my fingers. It is a great food for all Cichlids.
not such a good idea
the fish is either going to be stressed with no physical aggression or you're going to find them cut in half some day
even if the oscar doesn't care about the EBA yet it doesn't mean that the EBA isn't intimidated by the oscar
That’s fair, however at the moment the eba isnt showing signs of stress. He’s coloured up very well since I bought I’m two weeks ago, he’s eating like a champ and he swims up to the glass when I’m near the tank. However, it is a very fair pint that you’ve made. If things look like they’re going south I.e. he stops eating or refuses to come out of hiding, I won’t hesitate to remove him from the tank :)
Do you every feed her ox heart. I would freeze ox heart and then just grate a bit off with a cheese grater, it is then fine enough that she will take it. If you have seen my photo of Charlie jumping out of the tank if you look at my fingers you can see the ox heart on my fingers. It is a great food for all Cichlids.
I have heard about the benefits of ox heart especially for discus but I haven’t ever fed Rudy ox heart. It’s definitely on the list to try out, thank you! I’ll check out the video of Charlie now :)
Good to know about the. gentle Giant, but I own Oscar because I want them to just be natural (aggressions and what not).
And I do feed em with live feeds so the Oscar tank community is only for big aggressive fish. At least 10 inch and above.
Good to know about the. gentle Giant, but I own Oscar because I want them to just be natural (aggressions and what not).
And I do feed em with live feeds so the Oscar tank community is only for big aggressive fish. At least 10 inch and above.
That’s understandable, live feeding would definitely increase aggression towards smaller fish that resemble feeder fish. As well as trying to minimise any aggression within my tanks I also don’t feed feeder fish due to any health issues or parasites these fish may come with (unless of course you’re raising your own feeder fish). But that’s my own personal opinion and I respect yours :)

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