If the puffers are juveniles you won't be able to sex them just yet. The dimorphism doesn't show up until adulthood. once they are adults it's quite easy,
dark line down their belly
more flat body
lines behind eyes
belly is a bit brighter (gold to yellow)
None of the above
Round body.
I can't say 100% because I don't know their age, or if they have just eaten but it looks like A is a female and B a male just based on body shape. You will be better able to tell though since you can get a really good look at them and I can't.
Hey thanks for the information. I'll take note and see how it goes as they grows
And.. mmm.. they seems like chasing each other around the tank although I've planted quite a number of plants and tend to divide their territory, any idea why?
Well...if one is a male...and the other is a female...wink wink nod non nudge nudge you know what I mean you know what I mean...
Just joking...
Even male and female dwarfs will be territorial. I would have to see the plant layout to comment on that but they could be exhibiting mating behaviors.