Fry Survival Rate?

My platy had more than 50 babies. She gave birth in her main tank and i had to scoop them out. Took forever lol
I used my 20g tank for platies & molly and 10g for black widow tetras. I moved tetras to my 20g and put all babies there.
None of them die yet. So far so they eat well, enjoy wondering around. I covered my filter with net so they don't suck in there. Feed them different foods 3 times a day. Just left small amount gravel there with java moss & plants. When i change water, i mixed new water & old water together & use it so the water temp not change so much. Temp change too much is not for them. Warm temp and clean water, feed well that's only we can do.
It is very normal to lose fry. Some of them will die at birth wich nearly always happens and some wont survive. I cant tell you if they are going to survive or not but out of 20 fry I would think you would have at least 10 left. I think as long as you keep feeding and looking after them properly they will survive. Just make sure that you dont let them into the big tank until they are at least 1.7cm depending on how big the other fish are. If you want the babies to breed then you need 2,4,6,8,10,12 females because as far as I know you need 2 females per male to breed. So if you want ALL your females to breed you need twice the amount of females as males. Once the fish has become pregnant don't put it in a breeding trap as it will stress her out. Only put her in the breeding tank if she is being bullied/chased by the other fish. When you see the gravid spot becoming quite dark it is time for her to go in the breeding tank. Once the fish has got pregnant once she will keep having fry every 2 to 7 months. This is only with platies, mollies and guppies as they are the only livebearers, any other fish will lay eggs and maybe 5/50 will survive as the eggs float about and often get eaten.

Hope this helps
Fish Expert :shifty:

Personal Contact: [email protected]
You say some of them will die at birth which nearly always happens? Some can die at birth but not very often may be you’re not looking after adults properly.
out of 20 fry you should have at least 17 or more survive. It is not normal to lose as many as 10.
if you want ALL your females to breed You do not need 2 females per male. The only reason for more females is to help To reduce aggression among them a group of about 10 or more can be kept in pairs 5 males and 5 females will work well the larger the Numbers the less aggression. Once the platies has got pregnant she will have fry every 4 or 5 weeks depending on temperature

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