Frozen Bloodworm Killed My Firemouth


Jan 29, 2012
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i have stupidly put a cube of bloodworm in the tank without defrosting it. my firemouth ate it whole. it was instantly paralysed and could not move or use any of its fins, other than the pectoral fins. it stayed this way for 3 days. unable to swim properly and mainly laying on the bottom, then it died! lesson learnt i would say (
wow thats a shame sorry for your loss
Ah, that sucks. I'm glad I happened to read about this kinda stuff before I tried it the first time, otherwise a similar tale may have befallen me.
Sorry for your loss! All you can do is take the knowledge gained and avoid the same mistakes in the future.
On a scientific note, I imagine this is to do with body mass. If you were to scale up a fish to the the size of yourself, I would guess
it would be like a human eating whole an ice cube the size of a large car battery.
Actually a girl died in a night club recently where they serve a cocktails topped with liquid nitrogen - all the rage, but it hit
her stomach without warming up enough and she died pretty quick.
coolie said:
On a scientific note, I imagine this is to do with body mass. If you were to scale up a fish to the the size of yourself, I would guess
it would be like a human eating whole an ice cube the size of a large car battery.
Actually a girl died in a night club recently where they serve a cocktails topped with liquid nitrogen - all the rage, but it hit
her stomach without warming up enough and she died pretty quick.
Oh, how awful

And I'm sorry for your loss too, deftuch; that must have been so upsetting. It's always worse to lose a fish when it's something you've done
I used to suspend a net in the tank and defrost the frozen foods in it. Has the added advantage that fish tend to associate the net with something good, rather than fleeing on sight.
Sorry for your loss.  Thanks for sharing though, hopefully it will stand as a cautionary tale so that it doesn't happen to someone else.
Personally, I keep a small plastic container to defrost the bloodworms in before dropping them in the tank... I add tank water to speed the process.
ive always fed bloodworm, id usually run it under a tap in the net to soften it up....this is my first post in a while too. i thought it be a good idea to share this awful tale.

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