From The Ashes. Another Planted Journal


I'm in Planted School.
Jan 6, 2012
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Well, I have almost completed the sterilization of my 75g. If you want the back story check out my thread for my 46g Inexperience is An Asset.

I am starting a new journal for this tank as I am leaving behind all of the old. Including sadly, most of my plants.

75 Gallon

Filter:Rena Filstar XP3
Lighting: AquaticLife T5 HO Dual Lamp- (1) 48" 48W 650nm Pink Roseate,& (1)48" 48W 6,000°K
Co2: Pressurized 5lb. Canister, glass diffuser.
Substrate: Playsand
Fertilization: Estimative Index & Root tabs.
Water changes: 50% weekly
Planned Stocking: Wild type angels, Bolivian rams.....

Plant Species:
Water Sprite
hygrophila polysperma
Echinodorus osiris
Echinodorus ozelot "red"
Hygrophila Kompakt
hygrophila corymbosa {narrow leaf}
Dwarf Sagittaria
Purple Cabomba
anubias coffeefolia

Only 3 of the listed plants were intended for this scape, but after losing so many plants, I just needed to fill some space until I can place a plant order.

Here's my hardscape so far. I am doing the rest after dinner. I want it to be deepest in the corner with the wood. I hope it will stay that way.



I wasn't able to save most of the plants that I intended for this tank, and I will have to replace things slowly. So for now I am dealing with what I've got. I hope it will at least look nice.

One good thing about the wood set up is there is plenty of room for the angels I intend to stock. I am currently looking into some wild types.

Anyway, more pictures to come as I will be planting tonight or tomorrow. :good:
Looking good so far, keep us posted.
Looks good. Nice to get a fresh start. I'll tell you how my fish order at bobs tropicals goes. Looks like he's got some good stuff on there :good:
Well. I lost another half of my plants. SOme were just melted including stems so there way no saving them. So last night the planting didn't go as well as I had hoped. I just didn't have the plants I needed. I went ahead and popped in what I had and tried to get something half way decent. I ran out of dwarf sag. which is very disappointing. The tank is now cut off at the halfway point and it is not pleasing to the eye. The good thing, is with the help of ferts and co2 I may be able to spread it quickly. I am planning a large plant order in July, so patience....

I could also attempt more of an island scape, my old hardscape would fill the tank nicely, I'll let these plants settle before moving anything.


My original hardscape
I plan to follow this journal! It looks good, and I'm sure it'll be even better when it's done!!
I moved a sword already today ok! geez. I am not spazing out over this tank until I order plants. So :p
looks like a cool triangle island scape in the making to me, looking forward to see how it develops :good:
Very nice and angels are the perfect choice for that scape theyle look great :drool:

Any thoughts on Kribs vs. Bolivians vs. apistos? I am battling myself over them. I don't want a large group like I had before. A pair will do it. The 6 angels are going to be the stars of the show.

uh! If only I could order the plants now. I am so impatient and can't stand looking at this tank knowing the plants in there aren't right.

Spaz #1. :hyper: :lol:

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