Freshwater To Brackishwater


Fish Crazy
Aug 31, 2014
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I plan to get some bumblebee gobies from my local fish store. However the gobies are living in freshwater in the store aquarium, how do i go through the process of transitioning the gobies from freshwater to brackishwater? do i even have to go through a specific process? thanks!  (freshwater=7.0pH brackishwater=8.2pH)
The fact they aren't in brackish water already makes me want to say avoid. I mean I'd just get the tank set up full brackish then drip the water into a bucket with the gobies in it until the bucket of water turns brackish.
techen said:
The fact they aren't in brackish water already makes me want to say avoid. I mean I'd just get the tank set up full brackish then drip the water into a bucket with the gobies in it until the bucket of water turns brackish.
thanks! my local pet shop is pretty bad :(
i was under the impression that they start off life in fresh water ,then as they mature, slowly migrate to brackish?
As Techen says you can drip acclimate them when you get them.
There are many species of Bumblebee Gobies and they are found in both freshwater and brackish, from what I've read you can't tell what species you have unless you put them under a microscope.  If kept in freshwater it will need to be hard water but to stave off disease (especially if you have a predominantly brackish water species) a low specific gravity around SG1.002-SG1.005 is advised as all species will do fine at this salinity.
The only problem with these fish is making sure that they are feeding, mine would not take flake or pellets but would happily take frozen Brine Shrimp, Bloodworm, Daphnia and Mysis.  Might be worth getting live Bloodworm and/or Brine Shrimp at the beginning to fatten them up before trying frozen.

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