Fresh Water Help!

The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Jul 22, 2016
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It all began three weeks ago after a mean fish had died. My mom cleaned her tank completely out to make sure the fish really had died of old age and let the tank settle for two weeks. On the third week we had gotten four mollies, five Platty, and four dwarf fish that have a hard name to spell. Anyway all was good until they came into the tank. We returned two of the fish for we had seen some rather big spots that almost looked to be ick or some other kind of fungus. Hoping we spotted it in time we have been watching the tank more closely.

The store said they would treat the fish in the back and resell them when they were healthy. We got our money back on them. We got to talking to her and she said to add salt to the tank since my mom didn't have salt in her tank before. She also said to replace a filter with a Fluval aqua clear. We had to replace the old one anyway for it was about to fall into the tank.

The next day we had gotten our water tested to make sure it wasn't the water causing the bubble problem. When we took it in she said all was good great even. No ammonia and all looked very well. So the few days after that we don't touch the tank until Wednesday 20, 2016.

Yesterday evening I had noticed a black molly had a bunch of bubbles all over them. Then noticed the same on the other fish. By morning the black molly that had all the bubbles on them had died. My mom then turned everything off on the tank until I could look at it and try to help her out.

When she had done this I didn't notice any of the fish had bubbles on them. So I played with the filter thinking it must have been to high and was stressing the poor fish out. It's now at a slower pace and the fish still seem to be acting normal. They don't rub on anything, they don't nip at each other. Though when the dwarf percostomous comes into view it has me worried. It's skin almost looks rough, with little spots than what the molly we had returned had, and the one that had died last night. Pictures of the fish will be in the post. Thanks for any help! I plan to go to the store again and see what the lady thinks we should do as well.

Tank size 37
Holds currently-10 fish all together.

Fish I couldn't name (flat silver fish)
Percostomous (his skin looks rough with tiny spots..)
Amonia: 0
Nitrate: 0
Total hardness: 75
Total chlorine: 0
Total Alkalinity: 20
pH: 6.8

We had lost an algea eater today, no slime just the same dots as in the pic above. Now we are getting slime and spots on the platys, we aren't sure on why. I'll have a pic of them up shortly. The spots and slime had happened today, it wasn't gradual at all. So any help would be appreciated.

Hope the video works. I couldn't get a good pic cause they are moving so much..
Fish I couldn't name (flat silver fish)
Its a Gourami.
Yesterday evening I had noticed a black molly had a bunch of bubbles all over them.
Do these " bubbles " look like grains of salt?
No it was like water bubbles all over before it had died. Also had dried spots on its body.

The platys seem to have dots on them that look like salt..and one looks slimy.

These are the best pics I can get of the platy..

We lost another algea eater who became very fuzzy. He was alive yesterday with no issues. So it's strange that they die that day and become fuzzy so quickly. If it is a disease and it kills all the fish, how would we treat the tank?...we already figure we may have to toss everything but how to make sure this doesn't come back..

So we are returning the remainder of the fish back to the store. Getting rid of everything in the tank, but unsure how to disinfect the tank. Any ideas? We don't want this to happen to anymore fish...
This fish has Ich.

First thing I would do is raise the water temp to 30 deg c, Normally this gets rid of the ICH, If you do not see an improvement in 24 hours then meds might need to be used.
I have used the heat method and it works

We returned the fish and got our money back so they can treat them while we work on the tank. Since there are no fish in the tank and we did a 50% change of the water yesterday, and doing a 3rd of the water today. We bought two Pimafix solutions. One treats fungal infections and the other treats bacterial infections. Would this get ick out of the tank? We are treating tonight for 7 days.
Thanks for letting me know it's ick, my worse fear :( poor fish.
Since you don't have any fish in the tank, all you need to do is turn the heat up to over 86f. Do this for 7 days or so(I think that should be enough time. Anybody else have thoughts?) You don't need those meds. Ich is a parasite. Not a bacteria or fungus. Pimafix and melafix won't touch it. Ich has a lifecycle and the heat will speed that up and then kill it because it can't breed at that temperature.
Okay thanks! We are doing a 3rd water change tomorrow to get some of the salt out. I'll push up the heat then. Really hope that helps, thank you!
It won't hurt to do water changes during the heat treatment either. It can help get some of the free floating form of ich out of there. And for the salt, I don't know how much you had out in, but only water changes will remove it. Otherwise it will just stay in there. So I would definitely do water changes to get that out. Salt is also only used to treat certain things(ich can be one of them but if won't help without the heat), and should not be used any other times. your tank size 37 liters or gallons?? You just said the number in your first post. If its liters then that is only just under 10 gallons and the tank would have been overstocked which can stress fish.
Sorry it's 37 gallons. I did a 3rd water change today and might do another half after tomorrow to help get all the salt out.

With the heat at 86, would it be okay to put the fish nets that we used in as well? Along with the scrubbing sponges? That way we don't accidently have this again, or is it better to just get new ones?
I don't see why it would hurt anything but I think you could also do a bleach dip for those and then rinse really well with dechlorinated water.
I am unable to change the temperature of the tank. The dial is there another way?
Well, without a host(the fish) it will die off but I'm not sure how long to let it sit. You could break everything down and bleach it good and then rinse really really really good but that can be hard on live plants and I noticed you have driftwood in there and I'm not sure it would be a good idea to bleach that as it can absorb a ton and then just keep leaching it out over time. The heat isn't just for killing it, it also speeds up the life cycle to kill it faster. You may want to try to get a new heater. Unless someone else has a good way to get rid of it?

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