Always room for one more tank...
Equipment make/model/size: 125L / 85L / 35L tanks
Reason for Sale: clearing space
Delivery or Collection: Collection
Sales price: FREE
Postage & Packaging: N/A
Location: Luton, Beds
Need some room in my garage and I don't have the patience to sell them, so anyone who wants to take them off my hands is welcome to them.
85L tank and stand:
36x12x12. The tank has no noticeable scratches. The stand is a bit of a bodge job - it's fully functional and fine for a fish room, but the stand is shorter than the tank. I've nailed a suitably sized piece of fablon covered MDF over the top and it works fine, it just doesn't look brilliant. The nails do stop the doors opening but if sawed through or bent out of the way there should be enough clearance to open the doors again.
125L tank and stand (of sorts) :
30x12x18(H). No noticeable scratches or marks to the glass. There was a crack that was watertight but I covered it in aquarium sealant and it's (still) watertight. There is a basic wooden frame stand but I made it, and I'm naff at DIY. It took the weight for over a year but ended up leaning against the wall behind. You're welcome to have it and reinforce it or I'll chuck it.
25/35L (?) hexagon tank:
In good condition, but I don't know the capacity. It's about 12 inches tall but I don't know how to calculate the capacity. I used to keep a betta and a few ember tetras in there without it looking cramped.
I'm also going to be selling a dark wood Rio 180 with a light unit that's not working (I never got around to doing the TFF fix) which I'll probably be chucking on the bay of E's soon, but if there's any interest let me know and I'll see about popping it on here.
Reason for Sale: clearing space
Delivery or Collection: Collection
Sales price: FREE
Postage & Packaging: N/A
Location: Luton, Beds
Need some room in my garage and I don't have the patience to sell them, so anyone who wants to take them off my hands is welcome to them.
85L tank and stand:
36x12x12. The tank has no noticeable scratches. The stand is a bit of a bodge job - it's fully functional and fine for a fish room, but the stand is shorter than the tank. I've nailed a suitably sized piece of fablon covered MDF over the top and it works fine, it just doesn't look brilliant. The nails do stop the doors opening but if sawed through or bent out of the way there should be enough clearance to open the doors again.

125L tank and stand (of sorts) :
30x12x18(H). No noticeable scratches or marks to the glass. There was a crack that was watertight but I covered it in aquarium sealant and it's (still) watertight. There is a basic wooden frame stand but I made it, and I'm naff at DIY. It took the weight for over a year but ended up leaning against the wall behind. You're welcome to have it and reinforce it or I'll chuck it.

25/35L (?) hexagon tank:
In good condition, but I don't know the capacity. It's about 12 inches tall but I don't know how to calculate the capacity. I used to keep a betta and a few ember tetras in there without it looking cramped.

I'm also going to be selling a dark wood Rio 180 with a light unit that's not working (I never got around to doing the TFF fix) which I'll probably be chucking on the bay of E's soon, but if there's any interest let me know and I'll see about popping it on here.