Mostly New Member
I have a few questions I would like to ask, my tank details will be listed bellow so feel free to skim down to the questions
My tank is 33gallons, dimensions 77cm long, 36cm wide and 46cm deep.
I'm aiming for a neutral Ph to slightly alkaline 7 - 7.7
6-12 dh
21-24 Celsius
Plant species will be
Aponogeton ulvaceus, Aponogeton crispus, Blyxa japonica, Ceratopteris thalictroides, Rotala indica, Rotala magenta, Eleocharis parvula
1: I have read that Fluval can break down and become muddy. I really don't want to worry about that has anyone had it happen?
2: I would like to add a thin layer of some kind of plant substrate then cover it with a thick layer of sand. Will this work?
3: Will the sand break down the Fluval? (Question 1)
4: I have also read that Fluval can increase acidity which I don't want
Thanks if anyone has any experience or suggestions for another plant substrate that would be great
I have a few questions I would like to ask, my tank details will be listed bellow so feel free to skim down to the questions

My tank is 33gallons, dimensions 77cm long, 36cm wide and 46cm deep.
I'm aiming for a neutral Ph to slightly alkaline 7 - 7.7
6-12 dh
21-24 Celsius
Plant species will be
Aponogeton ulvaceus, Aponogeton crispus, Blyxa japonica, Ceratopteris thalictroides, Rotala indica, Rotala magenta, Eleocharis parvula
1: I have read that Fluval can break down and become muddy. I really don't want to worry about that has anyone had it happen?
2: I would like to add a thin layer of some kind of plant substrate then cover it with a thick layer of sand. Will this work?
3: Will the sand break down the Fluval? (Question 1)
4: I have also read that Fluval can increase acidity which I don't want
Thanks if anyone has any experience or suggestions for another plant substrate that would be great