Fluffy White Scales


Fish Crazy
Jan 9, 2012
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2 of my dwarf platies has what looks like a wound with white fluff on it. I think it is from the kribs attacking them. How do I treat this? Thanks
If it's Open Wounds then melafix will clear it up in no time. Got any pics of the fish?
I cant upload pics ad im on my phone.
I have had some flashing in the other fish too but no sign of any whitr spot.
Ok, Fish do rub and flicksometimes its a natural habit but if its on a regular basis then something's irritating them either in the water or some kind of parasite. All your water stats ok?
Ammo 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 25(water change dueq today)
Ok, A pic will really help diagnose the problem(If there is one) so if you get the time to, it will help :good:
For the ones with open wounds, melafix will sort it in no time. You do salt baths to but its tricky and you need to really monitor the fish closely as well as dosing the right amount of salt to water ratio etc..
You are overstocked by about 50-70% Your 10 Livebeaers. 6 five band barbs 6 rainbows 6 khuli 2bristlenose 2OP gourami 2 kirbs and 5 cory in a tank that is less than 170l is the problem. When you add to that you also want to add mbunas and other fish your problems will persist. Cloudy water and velvet on fish is pretty much just the start and your fish will continue to suffer until you address your stocking issue.

All the above might seem like stern words from fish keeper to fishkeeper please understand that I mean that in the nicest way possible.
You are overstocked by about 50-70% Your 10 Livebeaers. 6 five band barbs 6 rainbows 6 khuli 2bristlenose 2OP gourami 2 kirbs and 5 cory in a tank that is less than 170l is the problem. When you add to that you also want to add mbunas and other fish your problems will persist. Cloudy water and velvet on fish is pretty much just the start and your fish will continue to suffer until you address your stocking issue.

All the above might seem like stern words from fish keeper to fishkeeper please understand that I mean that in the nicest way possible.

Where is this stock list?

Edit- I found it :good:
From the poster other thread about bac bloom. I went through ops thread to find a pic of the tank and it looks a lot less than 170l even though the Op says it's 170ish. We have all been there and done the same thing hence me trying to get the op to address the source of her problems rather than look for remedies.

@OP I forgot to mention that esha works great for velvet.
From the poster other thread about bac bloom. I went through ops thread to find a pic of the tank and it looks a lot less than 170l even though the Op says it's 170ish. We have all been there and done the same thing hence me trying to get the op to address the source of her problems rather than look for remedies.

@OP I forgot to mention that esha works great for velvet.

Yeah i did the same and came across the thread. I agree, You'r doing the right thing :good: Hopefully the OP will sort the stock out and have a healthier stocked tank.
Just to clarify
My stock is,
2 kribs + 10 2 week old fry
8 male DWARF platies
6 male guppies
6 5 band barbs
6 khuli
5 cory
6 DWARF rainbows
2 op gouramis
2 bn plecs

That is 43 juvenile fish
I would be 33% overstocked if these were all adult size
I do 2 35% water changes a week
My tank is 170l, the tank in my profile is an old tank that is 100l.
I have plenty of filtration, having 2000lph inyernal + 850lph internal.
The cloudjng has now gone and it serms my filter is now able to cope with the biologocal needs.

I do have esha in my cupboard but dont want to medicate if not needed.
I am unable to use the computor atm but will try to get some pics up tomo.

Your older posts have precise measurements of the tank and unfortunately you're keeping these in a tank that is 143L (39x15x15) not 170ish add to that substrate and fixtures etc etc and the fact still remains that you are overstocked by some distance.

I would be 33% overstocked if these were all adult size
I do 2 35% water changes a week

I assume you're using some type of online calculator to come up with such a precise number/33% I should tell you that those things are a rough estimate. In other threads as well as this you have mentioned your parameters and that alone tells it's own story. With Nitrates @25ppm per week you're 50% or one week without a water change away from poisoning your stock and you should seriously consider...

In fact, I'm going to stop there because it's clear none of the advice regarding your stocking is going to be heeded even though that is the source of your problems. Your updated stock for the 143Lish tank puts you even further overstocked but again, seeing as I told you before and you ignored it then came back with a new problem. I'll deal with the remedies And leave the stock for that epiphany moment I/you/everyone on this board has had or eventually will have in terms of dealing with the source instead of quick fixes for problems. Esha will work great for velvet and I'd advise you to stock up on their entire range of meds...

Others including myself have made this exact mistake. The advice I'm giving you is given to save you a ton of time, effort, money, loss of fish, and all round unnecessary hassle.

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