Just to clarify
My stock is,
2 kribs + 10 2 week old fry
8 male DWARF platies
6 male guppies
6 5 band barbs
6 khuli
5 cory
6 DWARF rainbows
2 op gouramis
2 bn plecs
That is 43 juvenile fish
I would be 33% overstocked if these were all adult size
I do 2 35% water changes a week
My tank is 170l, the tank in my profile is an old tank that is 100l.
I have plenty of filtration, having 2000lph inyernal + 850lph internal.
The cloudjng has now gone and it serms my filter is now able to cope with the biologocal needs.
I do have esha in my cupboard but dont want to medicate if not needed.
I am unable to use the computor atm but will try to get some pics up tomo.