floating betta...?


Fish Crazy
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
for the past couple of days, my betta has been acting odd. it's like he can't keep his body under control. if he stops swimming for a second, he'll start floating up to the top of his water. sometimes, he just floats at the top, on his side. what is going on with him? i tried fasting him yesterday and it seemed to help some, but i can't starve him every day! what to do!? :/
sounds like swim bladder disease to me :/

sorry to hear that your betta isn't doing well. I woudl continue the fast, and then feed him a cooked pea (amke sure you take off the shell), cut it to betta bite size pices and feed it to him. Keep him on this diet until you see him getting better and getting more control over his body. Dotn' owrry if he's been healthy before they can go quite a while without food. You should see improvements in a few days if you're rlucky :)

after the diet, slowly ease him back into his normal diet, feed him some pellets with some peas for awhile, and then slowly ease off the peas. This will give his system a chance to get use to the pellets again.

Anyways siwm bladder can be permanent sometimes :sad: and they never really regular, but most of the time if you give them a chacne to clear out their digestive systems they'll be fine :) good luck :thumbs:
thanks cutecotton for the great advice. :thumbs: i'm writing all of this down...

i'm also definately heading down to the grocery store tomorrow morning for some peas. he's definately been healthy and very active before this happened, so hopefully he'll have a good recovery. here's to hoping!

oh and btw, what really causes this? he's been on the same diet, same water change routine, same everything since i got him. i'm kinda confused on how this suddenly popped up. :dunno:
well don't owrry :) if treated properly swim bladder shouldn't be too bad :D

anyways, sometimes you dont' have to change anything to end up with swim bladder problems, he could have just been having a bad week in his system and not digesting the food normally :/ what do you usually feed him? aside from the pellets do you use any freeze dried food? frozen food?

hopeuflly you can get that little guy to eat his veggies :lol:
jungle fungus eliminator is what i use.. my sisters betta has had that problem 4 times... almost looks completely dead.. but the medicine works very well.. has cured him everytime.. i strongly recommend it
lol in my experience with fish iv found that wen they float to the top its not a good thing :D iv seen a goldfish with this and it just kinda lost all controlle and let the bubble stone rikishea it of the sides of the tank :D
I heard peas boiled without the shell works, but I see we have that covered. I believe that keeping his water clean always helps with anything.
i don't give them anything but their pellets. i threw out the freeze-dried stuff after i think it (might) have affected my previous betta (RIP :-( ). i'm definately trying the peas; i'm headed down to the store as soon as i can this morning.

i'll look for the jungle fungus eliminator next time i'm in the area of a petstore, fishbit. everything is at least a half hour away, and i don't know if i have time for that today since i also have to go to work.. :grr:

and i think i'll be doing an unscheduled early water change for him today. his water is clean, as i changed it only a few days ago, but we're gonna give him another bath anyway. :nod:

thanks for the advice, everyone! :D

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