Floating Advice


Fish Crazy
Mar 16, 2012
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
Hi Everyone,

I'm not much of a gardener, aquatic or otherwise & know next to nothing about plants. I have the obvious Java Fern as it suits my 'just chuck it in leave it' approach to plants. I do have liquid ferts, which I add once a month.
My question is: can anyone recommend a floating plant, of any appearence that will provide a bit of cover in my tank? I don't mind if it is a vigourous or slow grower. Lighting is on for 6-7 hours a day I won't be doing co2 & my fish (Keyhole Cichlids & Aequidens Metae) have never shown interest in eating the Java, but who knows.....
Really appreciate any advice :)
I have tried Amazon Frogbit before and that was a pretty prolific grower with nice long trailing roots.
I have tried Amazon Frogbit before and that was a pretty prolific grower with nice long trailing roots.

Cheers, I'll check it out. A pal at work suggested Hornwort, I always thought that was more of a temperate plant (it's in my pond), but he uses it in his with his tank & says he has to prune it & chuck some on a regular basis..

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