Fishywishie Is A Noob - A Guide How Not To Cycle A Tank

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Approx 80 but tbh it processes in about 17 and a bit hours for about a fortnight if not more and theres been water changes during that time.

Looking at my chart the cycle hasn't budged in at least 16 days possibly more
Just checked your spreadsheet. My cycle stalled when my nitrate level was really high (off the chart) for several days, but yours look ok. My nitrites felt like they were going to take forever to come down. Unfortunately, it's a matter of hanging on in there I think. Hope you don't mind me asking as i'm not great with plants but are you doing regular water changes to keep nitrates down because it's needed for the plants ?? Do high nitrates affect the plants in a bad way ?? I didn't change my water at all unless the nitrates were off the chart.
Sorry chould have said waterchange was done not changes Did one about a week ago as Nitrates were off the chart. Plants eat some Nitrates but feeding them ferts introduces Extra nitrates on top of the ones produced by the nitrite - nitrate conversion.

Going to sit down with fiancee tonight and seriously chat about where to go from here Ive kinda lost interest in it now its been such a struggle and I just know I'll be the one who ends up losing expensive fish once it eventually finds its way to cycled (if it ever does)

Please don't give up !!! I completely understand how you feel though; it's been almost 3mths and i still haven't got any fish. I have been tempted to cal it a day too but i don't want the 3mth spent on this tank to of come to nothing. I guess we just have to keep on hanging in there, knowing that it will work out in the end....eventually
Seems odd that your nitrates aren't going up. Your nitrites havn't processed yet today either? so they're taking over 17 hours to even start processing?
I am so sad to hear this. I completely understand why you have come to this decision though. I wish you all the very best in all that you do. Hope to see you back on here real soon. Never forget that although we all love Fish, there is much more to life and the things that are more important to you at the moment, must take priority. Will speak again with you very soon i'm sure. xx
This is unfortunate fishy but no reason to give up, in my opinion you could lightly stock the tank. Its a pretty big tank? No harm in adding some fish after a full waterchange and gravel clean imo...

Some might say its dangerous or something :rolleyes: but after this long its not like you havn't tried lol. What fish do you have in mind? I'd say up to 40-50% stocking depending on the fish.

Water changes might be necessary but not all that likely especially if the fish are young and feeding starts off light.
I agree Simon. Fishy if your tank is processing the load of Ammonia you're putting in in 17 hours then it could easily cope with a couple of fish. Then you can just see how it goes.

I do know how you feel though. I have quite a stressful job and I got the tank to chill me out and give me something to do/look at now I have to stay in a lot of the week but I feel like I've had nothing but trouble with it. I'm currently having a week where it appears a load of my bacteria has died and I've no idea why. My fish had some sort of infection when I got them, one of them is dark coloured and I've no idea why, I had to take one of my fish back coz it was bullying the others, I now think I have a mild case of Fin Rot and my plants keep dying despite me dosing with really good ferts!

BUT I try and tell myself that these are teething problems and it'll all be worth it in the end. I think you will feel a lot of releif if you pack it all in but you might feel a bit of regret too. Just do one thing.....if you do decide to pack it in then keep all your stuff well stored and in good condition coz I bet within the next year you decide to try again.
FishieWishie has just realised he's a tool and has been making a rather large error in tank care last few weeks - more to follow :blush:
if your ammonia is very low, i see no issue with adding a couple of fish, it may even help the cycle on the way :good:

i would put a hardy fish in there, defo not the dwarf apistos though. Have a think about it, it would be a shame to see you give up, after your dedication and hard work :sad:

your tank is big enough to accommodate it, plus we are here x
I never got double 0's but added bolivian rams. My nitrites were only a couple of hours from cycling 5ppm completely though. To be on the safe side I would agree with beth... bolivian rams are a bit more hardy than most dwarf cichlids so if you want one of those maybe thats your best option if you want a cichlid. There are plenty of tetra that are hardy. If you stock lightly I wouldn't worry too much.

Looking foward to know what you've done wrong haha


I drained the tank to about 25% and refilled it tested Nitrate which was between 80-160 (Even after the waterchange) Drained tank down to about 25% again and refilled for a 2nd time.

Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 5

Dosed 10ml ammonia 10ml TPN + 5ml Easy Carbo.

Don't ask me why i haven't noticed this or for how long ive been failing to notice this :blush:

Until a few weeks back I'd been using plastic measuring spoons (The type you use in cooking with many sizes on a ring) and dosing the ammonia direct from the spoon to the tank. Few weeks back i couldn't find the spoons one day so i started using a medicine measuring cup (purloined from my fiancee's work she's a cook in a care home so she spoke nicely to the meds person) Now i know what your thinking it's prob even more accurate right ?


WRONG not when i use it it's not lol :blush: Tonight as i was about to pour the ammonia into the tank the missus asked me to pass her something down out a cupboard (she was baking and had hands covered in cakey goo ;p) After going back to the tank something about the level of the ammonia in the measuring cup caught my eye so i squatted slightly to look at it at eye level 12 maybe just over 12ml of ammonia lay in the measuring cup I held the cup up and looked at it straight on and it appeared to be on the 10ml line put it down on tank top squatted to look at it again and 12ml.

So basically for last few weeks I've been merrily sloshing enough ammonia for 5 PPM while aiming got 4 PPM (If not a tiny bit over) and wondering why my processing time for ammonia / Nitrites have slowed/reversed.

lmao :lol:

Usually most people cycle with the 5ppm anyway but in this case, its taking far to long so I would reduce it to 4, maybe even 3 depending on what you want to stock.

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