Fishy Noob. =^_^=

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Mar 6, 2012
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Hi guys,

Firstly thanks to everyone here for all the help. This is my first post but general reading has helped me alot in my new endeavours as an aquaculturist.

I recently purchased a second hand 250l tank with an eheim 2213 filter, heater, aqua stone, gravel and sand, and fish- a clown loach, gourami, 2 bristle nose catfish, a ghost catfish, 40 neon tetras, 10 male guppies, siamese algae eater, 2 other catfish I don't know what they are, a black molly and 5 white widow tetras. I have added plants and ornaments since then as the tank was next to empty and 4 harlequin rasboras. After reading a bit more I'm thinking I may have too many fish! All seem happy but I was wanting to get some more clown loaches to keep my one company as well. Am I over crowding my tank? There seems to be plenty of room but I would rather check with the experts out there. Also thinking about snails and shrimp... Probably getting too eager... It was an established tank and I'm waiting till Monday to get test kit for nitrate levels etc. my ph is around 7-7.2 and the temp is around 27 degrees Celsius. Water looks clean. What do you guys think? Cheers.
Hi welcome to the forum!

To me, you sound a bit over stocked.
Ghost catfish like to be in groups of at least five, or they become listless, refuse to eat, and eventually die.
Clown Loaches need a 6ft+ tank, as they grow huge, and also need about 6.
I believe siamese algae eaters become extremely aggressive as they mature, and will begin attacking all your fish as they mature.
Is there any way to post pictures of the unknown catfish?

If you get rid of the above fish, I still think you'd be overstocked, I'll let the more experienced members guide you on that, but that's all I know regarding this.
:hi: to the forums!

If I may, I'd say you're a little overstocked. As said above the ghost cats, or glass cats as I call them, need groups of 6+ so it's best you regime that.
Clown loach will get 12-14" + and require 6+ groups and a minimum tank size of 75 gallons and 5 ft minimum with 6 ft being better, so he'll also need to go, but there are some great loaches that look very similar and get much smaller,like zebra loaches.

If your Siamese is a true Siamese it will be perfectly fine, its the Chinese algae eaters that get aggressive.

The widow tetras are a nippy species that may nip at your other fish, especially your guppies, so I suggest you rehome these.

The black Molly will get 4 inches so if your not commuted to that he could be rehomed too.

What type of gourami is it, and what type of unknown catfish? Pictures so we can identify them would be great!

The bn are poop machines but if you like them I suppose they're fine.

I suggest that you return the harlequins because you already have your 40 neons and harlequins need schools of 6+ preferably 10+ so you'd be better without them.

I'd stock it line this once you make your changes. This is just what I'd do:
40 neons
10 guppies
Possibly gourami
Possibly 2 catfish
6-8 zebra or yo-yo loach OR 8-10 kuhli loach (need sand)

I think you'd be pretty stocked with that. Depending on the gourami you may be able to add more to that though too. :good: :)
Hope I helped.
Also does the tank have sand?
Thanks for the advice. Was pretty sure I was over stocked. Like I said- I got the tank with alot of fish already. Will look into rehoming the ones you mentioned so I can make sure the rest are happy and healthy. I will put up some pics when I get the chance. The substrate is a mix of sand and white rocks. I like my bristlenoses so hope I can keep em. I will put up pics ASAP as I might have species confused. I am a newbie after all. I think the gourami is a three spot after a quick google search. Any ideas on a good mix for my tank if I was able to rehome the majority and start from scratch?
Well what do you like? And what out of the mix were you hoping to keep?
The only ones you absolutely must get rid of are the glass cats,and loach,
Thanks for the advice. Was pretty sure I was over stocked. Like I said- I got the tank with alot of fish already. Will look into rehoming the ones you mentioned so I can make sure the rest are happy and healthy. I will put up some pics when I get the chance. The substrate is a mix of sand and white rocks. I like my bristlenoses so hope I can keep em. I will put up pics ASAP as I might have species confused. I am a newbie after all. I think the gourami is a three spot after a quick google search. Any ideas on a good mix for my tank if I was able to rehome the majority and start from scratch?
Sorry for the double post- iPhone is possesed.

Was thinking I'll get rid of the glass cat and loach as soon as I can find a suitable home for them. Also the white widows as I'd prefer something more interesting (sorry any fans) i like the idea of getting some of those other loaches. If I do that can I keep the rasboras and get a couple more?

Sorry for the double post- iPhone is possesed.

Was thinking I'll get rid of the glass cat and loach as soon as I can find a suitable home for them. Also the white widows as I'd prefer something more interesting (sorry any fans) i like the idea of getting some of those other loaches. If I do that can I keep the rasboras and get a couple more?
Which loaches? I think you'd still be pretty overstocked. If it's a 3-spot gourami I believe these guys are notorious for being aggressive so he should also be rehomed.
Even with
40 neons
10 guppies
2 bn
2 catfish (really need to know types asap)
6 zebra loach (need sand)
6 harlequins
Black Molly
You'd still be pretty overstocked.
Believe they are upside down catfish. I will post pics soon.
I agree generally about the stocking problem too, but in relation to the clown loach, I have come across a lot of stories about them living just fine on their own and not in a group of 6+. It will probably try to hang around with other fish it's size and they also grow very slow.
There aren't too many tanks that fit inside a house that will comfortably house a group of 6+ grown clown loaches anyway.

Good luck whatever you decide.
It seems to like following around the algae eater! According to the previous owner, the loach and the glass cat have been alone always.

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