Fish Crazy
I am 2-3 weeks in to my fishless cycle, I was getting very high (off the chart) nitrite readings, I was advised to do a 90% water change which I did, but I forgot to add any dechlorinator to the new water till the last minute. I also had rearranged the scape of the gravel (tesco low dust cat litter) and ended up with such a mess, red dust every where, I decided to leave it till I came home 12 hours later, it was still very cloudy with dust, it looked like planet mars in there, I checked the filter (Fluval U2) it was terrible in there, I had not washed the cat litter enough (AHHHH)
So I decided to start again.
I cleaned all the filter media in a bucket of old tank water and let the filter keep running in another bucket of old tank water.
I emptied the tank and removed all the gravel, I had to clean the inside of the tank as even the glass had red dust on it.
It took me another 2 hours to finally get the cat litter clean (no red dust)
I set the tank back up properly this time (treated water) dosed ammonia to 5PPM as the water test showed no ammonia no nitrite.
I have just tested this morning the readings
Ammonia 2.0 PPM
NitrIte 2.0 PPM
Can I have hope ???
I had to really wash the filter media well, I thought I had killed the bacteria with the untreated water from my first mistake, and I thought they would have definately all gone, as I had to really squeeze and rinse all the filter media for 10 minutes to get rid of the red dust.
So I decided to start again.
I cleaned all the filter media in a bucket of old tank water and let the filter keep running in another bucket of old tank water.
I emptied the tank and removed all the gravel, I had to clean the inside of the tank as even the glass had red dust on it.
It took me another 2 hours to finally get the cat litter clean (no red dust)
I set the tank back up properly this time (treated water) dosed ammonia to 5PPM as the water test showed no ammonia no nitrite.
I have just tested this morning the readings
Ammonia 2.0 PPM
NitrIte 2.0 PPM
Can I have hope ???
I had to really wash the filter media well, I thought I had killed the bacteria with the untreated water from my first mistake, and I thought they would have definately all gone, as I had to really squeeze and rinse all the filter media for 10 minutes to get rid of the red dust.